

Tefely has long been the breadbasket of Menerem, producing and exporting the most of staple products such as food stuffs and textiles. Before Jurim vassalhood, Tefely was a rich but indolent nation run by a nobility that scrimped on their military in favor of lining their own pockets. This was a major downfall when Jurim invaded twelve-hundred years ago.

As a vassal of Jurim, the economy of Tefely thrived while the military was strengthened, being a border territory. Tefelian cavalry are still considered to be the best in Menerem, partly due to their well-trained and -bred horses. Four noble houses chafed under foreign rule, however, and fled to the then-unsettled north western island to eventually for the influential nation of Benka.

Thirty years ago, Jurim invaded both Kharra and Ullran in a surprise and ill-advised war. Doomed to failure due to its ambitious scope, this was compounded by a large number of the Tefelian-born soldiers deserted to join Kharra in protest of the unprovoked attack. This invasion lasted only nine months and ended with no gains for the Jurim Empire, only a loss of reputation and eventually setting up the opportunity needed for the long-time vassals to revolt against the new oppressive government of Jurim.

In the creation of the Arkenstone volcanoes in Jurim, the seat of the empire gave up their natural food product to rely on imports from Tefely. This proved to be an unwise transition when those shipments were halted immediately after Tefely declared independence with Braeg and Choris. Starvation was a stronger factor in Jurim’s civil war than military power and it only took eight months and the death of their leader for Jurim to surrender.

After Tefely gained independence from Jurim, most of the Tefelian soldiers whom had deserted to Kharra returned home returned home as heroes to the now liberated people.

Notable Locations

  • Anderra: The capitol of Tefely is a bustling city full of merchants and artisans, corporations and criminals. The political intrigue inherited from the nobility of old Tefely is second only to Penrook in its pervasiveness.
  • Eastmarch: Located on the border of Kharra, this is a city built around the fort built there by Jurim centuries ago. Now its economy is strong due to its trade with Kharra, sending food goods and textiles out in return for precious lumber that is hard to get in eastern Tefely.
  • Kallaport: This port located in central Tefely is not significant from an economic standpoint but has long been a haven for the less reputable ships to sail the Sea of Mana. The local authorities are corrupt and have been so for many years.
  • Rustwillow: Small compared to Anderra, Rustwillow is important as a hub of the Tefelian livestock and textile trades. It is home to many of the most skillfull weavers in Menerem.
Tefely Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Republic
  • Ruler: President Chrasety Penem
  • Wealth: High
  • Exports: Agriculture, textiles, livestock
  • Character Ideas

  • Type
    Geopolitical, Republic


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