

Choris has always been fascinated with magic, with the Gheran Academy being the first school in the arcane arts on Menerem. Those studies led to a few breakthroughs that they shared with their neighbors, being a naïve country. It wasn’t long before Jurim invaded and incorporated the conflict avoidant society. Menerem encouraged the mages to continue and expand their studies, stressing innovation over principle.

Chorisian mages are behind many of the greatest and most horrifying discoveries in the past twenty years, including the construction and propulsion of airships, the process to create Arkenstone generating volcanoes and the creation of the war-forged automatons, which used to limit losses in the failed Jurim invasion of Ullran.

Choris was the only government to support Jurim’s creation of the Arkenstone volcanoes and the invasion of nearby nations. While unpopular with the citizenry, the mages who Jurim had put in Charge gained a lot of clout and freedom to pursue arcane knowledge and therefore were ardent supporters.

After the failed war, they noticed the dissension growing both inside their own borders and in other Jurimite territories. Predicting the revolution’s success, the mages of Choris saw an opportunity for even more autonomy and joined the other nations in rebellion.

Now, they answer to no one and follow whatever actions will bring them further arcane knowledge while ignoring the plights of their common citizens.

Corporations in Choris are not as prominent as the Mage Academies, five vaunted schools that are both rivals and compatriots. The archmages of the five schools make up the leadership of the Chorisian government.

Notable Locations

  • Lisden: The modern capitol of Choris is a magnificent city of towering skyscrapers and glass domes. This beautiful vista would not be possible without the endeavors of the Five Academies of Magic located in the city.
  • Iopolatan: Before being conquered by Jurim, Iopolatan was the capitol of Choris. A city located near natural sources of magestone and unique herbs used in alchemy, it is now relegated to the position of providing these resources to the ruling academies in Lisden. There is a significant dissident movement in the city that opposes the magocracy as distant and bigoted against those lacking magical prowess and training.
  • Yerasan: Due to its position near the border of Ullran, Yerasan was originally created by the Jurimite army as a fort which eventually grew into a city. Most of the soldiers who were stationed at Yerasan joined the revolution as they had lived in the city for generations and had suffered heavy losses in the ill-fated war with Ullran. As in Iopolatan, there are grumblings that a new revolution is needed to throw off the new shackles of the magocracy.
Choris Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Magocracy
  • Ruler: Archmage Gherra
  • Wealth: Medium
  • Exports: Medium

Character Ideas

  • Magi-tech Inventor - Artificer (any)
  • Arcane Researcher - Wizard (any)
  • Mage Soldier - Fighter (Echo Knight, Eldritch Knight, Rune Knight), Paladin (Glory), Rogue (Arcane Trickster), Warlock (Hexblade), Wizard (Bladesinging, War Magic)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Magocracy


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