

Ullran is a nation created by priests of the Erenic Pantheon to be a bastion of faith and purity. What arose is a harsh culture that on the surface values piety above all else but in practice has its own share of corruption and intrigue. Ullran has used its strength in divine magic to become a proudly self-sufficient nation and its exports are insignificant.

As the seat of power for the Erenic Pantheon, Ullran enjoyed strong influence among the other nations of Menerem. The nations seemed to take this influence as an accepted norm until the 1600’s, when the wealth of the elite began to strain against the limits set upon them by the priesthoods. Around this same time, infighting between the individual churches of the pantheon grew. This resulted in Ullran paying less attention to the other nations just as they started to turn away.

This situation brewed until the Battle of Flame. Ullran originally refused to believe the information brought by the undead and only joined the others in the desert to counter what they expected to be a betrayal. After the undead proved honest and helped fight against the demon army, Ullran refused to sign the Penrook Accords. The official reason was the claim that as the head of the Erenic Pantheon, they held divine authority and could not be bound by secular agreements. The second reason was that they could not abide by a pact that legitimized the undead that had deposed one of their own, having the audacity to kill a god and supplant him with two others.

The priests did not foresee how much influence this move would cost them. The establishment of Penrook effectively replaced Ullran as an international mediator with a purely secular entity located in a geographically advantageous location. This was only exacerbated by the recent development of airships, making traversing the desert much easier.

Ullran is currently striving for a way to return to its former prominence in a world that is quickly outpacing it. Not quite isolationist, as it is still the center of divine authority, the increasingly agnostic population of Menerem is exacerbating their issues.

While the capitol of Ghardal is resistant to magi-tech advancements, the country as a whole is not. The country’s first airship, the Resolute, has just finished construction and runs out of Ishoran.

Notable Locations

  • Ghardal: The capitol of Ullran is known as the Holy City. Home to the largest and most extravagant temples in Menerem. Ghardal is strongly opposed to the technological developments of the last century and ban any magi-tech devices from being used in the city, though the definition of what is magi-tech and what is just a magical item is fairly vague.
  • Arnand: Located near the border with Renatyr, this city was founded to both defend against and strike against Ullran’s northern neighbor. The largest temple in this city is dedicated to the war god Balin.
  • Ishoran: Dedicated to the god of the seas, Rama, this city is the base of operations for the Ullric navy, including its affiliated privateers that demand tithes from ships flying the flags of other nations.
Ullran Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Theocracy
  • Ruler: Archbishop Canton Pal
  • Wealth: Low
  • Exports: none
  • Character Ideas

    Geopolitical, Theocracy


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