

Kharra is a nation known for its embrace of nature and slow pace of technological progression. Unlike most of the world, Kharra has been slow to adapt to the changing pace of Menerem. The druids of the Great Parsh Circle were the first to settle the land and remain the strongest political and cultural influence in the country. Their belief that the pace of technology is ruining the world has only intensified since the destruction of the jungles of Jurim.

Despite sharing a strong support of druidic magic and conservational principles, the Kharran people despise the mercantile and scientific philosophy of their eastern neighbors. Between that and their natural competition for markets for similar products has made for an uneasy relationship between the two nations. The have fought three wars and many border skirmishes over their disputes since their earliest days.

Since the founding of the Graveless Halls, Foran became an important port for the resources from the undead city to northeastern Menerem. This has been a tense relationship, as the druids are inherently inclined to oppose the unnatural undead but the civil disposition of the Halls has left no room for the Kharrans to formally protest. The merchants in Foran, unlike the druids, have been very welcoming of this obvious business opportunity.

Despite sharing a border with Tefely, the two nations have little in common culturally nor have they had much conflict since Tefely has regained independence. There is a small section of the population that still bitterly remember the invasion by Jurim, with many Tefelians conscripted into the fight, but many also remember that a large number of those deserted and joined the Kharran defense.

Notable Locations

  • Jaesper: The capitol of Kharra is a largely agrarian city with a large but low-density population. The Great Parsh Circle of druids is the largest influence on the politics and culture of the city and has the reputation for being the foremost experts on druidic magic and the natural world. There are two mage academies that study the natural world alongside the druids.
  • Erprassa: Erprassa is the economic center of Kharra. Much like Whitetail across the border in Hallis, Erprassa has a strong contingent of druids from The Great Parsh Circle who maintain the groves of ancient wood and ironwood trees. Unlike Whitetail, the preservation of the environment takes precedence over money and the city is a beautiful arboreal cityscape.
  • Foran: Located on the coast of the Isen Strait, Foran is the largest port in Kharra. There is friction within the city against the limits placed on the Kharran economy by the druids. There is a burgeoning criminal element, subtly supported by the merchants who bristle under the limits to their income.
Kharra Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Republic
  • Ruler: Elder Wisp
  • Wealth: Medium
  • Exports: Ironwood, ancient wood, lumber, ores, agriculture
  • Character Ideas

  • Great Parsh Circle Member - Cleric (Nature), Druid (land), Ranger (Swarmkeeper), Warlock (Archfey)
  • Green Knight - Barbarian (Totem), Cleric (Nature), Druid (Moon), Fighter (Arcane Archer), Paladin (Ancients), Ranger (Fey Wanderer)
  • Foran Merchant - Bard (Eloquence), Warlock (Genie)
  • Guild of Betterment Member - Bard (Whispers), Rogue (Inquisitive), Sorceror (Shadow)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Republic


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