

Orqamma has always been a small nation with an over-sized military. Followers of the Court of War, Orqammans value strength in warfare as supreme. This nation once spread from just south of Esbar to west of Inveras, with a reputation for the finest weapon- and armorsmiths in Menerem, especially their use of adamantine which is only found beneath the ancient capitol of Qamma.

For most of the existence of Orqamma, they have battled against the giants and wildlife native to this region. The moderate advancements in magical knowledge made a hundred years ago rendered these threats insignificant, though, and the Orqamman people began looking for new threats to aspire.

First in their sights was Hallis, a much larger and richer, though less militant nation. They struck a deal with Jurim for direct support in exchange for favorable trade terms for lumber and adamantite. When the time came to strike, however, Jurim backed out on the deal and Orqamma attacked alone. Despite being vastly outnumbered the war lasted two years as the knights of Orqamma, clad in adamantine armor and riding their griffon mounts.

Losses mounted, however, and the Orqammans were driven back into the impenetrable fort that is Uxhartan. After months of siege and no end in sight, diplomats in Penrook signed the Hallis-Orqamma Treaty, ceding its capitol and thus its adamantite to Hallis. This surrender was a major blow to the morale of the population as it is their mandate to be the best military.

Faith in the Pantheon of War is at an all-time low and the rule of the priesthood is strained. The economy has diminished and exports are limited to mundane ores, which are mined cheaper in other nations.

Notable Locations

  • Uxhartan: The now-capitol of Orqamma is a fort-city first and foremost. Carved into the base of Mount Hamradin, the walls of Orqamma have never been breached by an opposing force. The Ermas River flows through the middle of the city and out of the mountain before depositing into Lake Caranas.
Orqamma Base Map Image
  • Government: Theocracy
  • Ruler: Heirophant Sarraqua Bin
  • Wealth: Low
  • Exports: Ore
  • Character Ideas

  • Type
    Geopolitical, Theocracy


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