

Renatyr is the forgotten nation located between its more infamous neighbors of Orqamma and Ullran. Renatyr is a humble nation of hunters, animal trainers and herbalists, with its jungles boasting a disproportionately large diversity of fauna and flora.

While technically a government ruled by the military, it is not as corrupt as many others. With a handful of exceptions, the military rule has been committed to improving the nation and the lives of its people. A key to this consistency is that the top five generals are required to submit to magical examination of their thoughts and memories before they can attain those posts.

Scholars from the mage academies launched many expeditions into the jungle to discover even more species, and hoping to gain the fame as the first to document their existence and potential uses. These expeditions often engage in acts of sabotage against their direct rivals, especially if they involve the newly-discovered Hidden World.

While it has been involved in border skirmishes with both Orqamma and Ullran, Renatyr has largely avoided open war. This is partly due to the dangers of the dense jungles and the advantages the ranger-focused military would have, especially for only limited gain.

Notable Locations

  • Horashym: The capitol of Renatyr is a medium-sized port city, exporting not only goods from Renatyr but also from enterprising merchants from isolationist Ullran.
  • Inveras: Near the border with Orqamma, this city is built around the headquarters for the Renati army.
  • Hidden World: Located in the middle of the jungle, the Hidden World is a large sinkhole that houses an intricate ecosystem of unique plants and animals. This includes coalflower and dusk runners, both of which are important in the magical trade. This strange ecosystem was only discovered one year ago.
Renatyr Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Military autocracy
  • Ruler: Ranger General Moontail
  • Wealth: Medium
  • Exports: lumber, hide, coalflower, dusk hide, diamond
  • Character Ideas

  • Type
    Geopolitical, Stratocracy


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