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Aveanly Galanodel

Aveanly Galanodel (a.k.a. Ava)

Aveanly is generally quiet and easy going. Her silence and calm nature make her easy to get along with. Her willingness to let others talk at length without saying much herself compliments this too. She is slightly paranoid but this paranoia revolves around ghosts, monsters and other horrors. It seems like superstition to the casual observer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aveanly stands 5'5" and weighs 100lbs. Though she is healthy now she remains physically weak due to lack of exercise. She'd much rather be reading or talking over a cup of tea than running around breaking a sweat.

Body Features

Her black hair is long, straight and usually in a loose braid that falls to the center of her back. Her eyes are unnervingly black as well. When asked she explains it is "quirk of inheritance" and laughs with practiced nonchalance. Her white skin flushes blue when she blushes, which is not uncommon for her people but can be off putting to others.

Facial Features

The most notable thing about her is that she has a face that should belong to a marble statue. Her cheek bones are high, her face sunken in the consumptive manner of romantic poets and her nose and brow bones sharply defined.

Identifying Characteristics

A burn scar in the center of her chest of The Yellow Sign. She woke up with this mark, fully healed, after the pact making ceremony with Hastur.

Physical quirks

Her eyes are pitch black, part of the genetic disease she was born with.

Apparel & Accessories

Aveanly prefers to wear monochrome colors with little adornment. Most often she wears a long white robe belted to a high empire waist with a black cord. Over that she adds a black jacket cut in the latest style (it resembles a short tuxedo jacket with tails) that looks noticeably odd paired with her traditional robe. Her rather large feet are either bare when inside or shoved into black leather boots that are nearly falling apart. She has no piercings and wears no jewelry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When she was born her parents cried out in sorrow. Aveanly had black eyes. That meant to wasting disease that plagued her father's side of the family every few generations had been given to her. It was clear she would not survive much past 80 or 90 years, a short time for an elf. As is customary among her people some measures were taken to cure her. When those failed no one went to extreme lengths to try to help her. This illness was seen as the will of the divine.   Aveanly studied deeply and broadly, being too frail to take part in weapons training or hunting with other children her age. She pretended to be a model adolescent girl, never giving off a hint of the bitterness and fear that raged in her. When she found a strange volume in the back of the library she frequented she read it out of curiosity. It detailed the powers of warlocks and the pacts they made. This magic was frowned upon, but not strictly forbidden.   Aveanly saw her chance. Feigning a purely academic interest she devoured everything she could on the topic and chose for herself a powerful patron, Hastur. She thought him the least fearsome of the beings she learned about. How awful could a robed man in a mask be? Aveanly had no idea.   But she soon learned. And upon learning she left. Not immediately, not without gathering everything she needed and explaining that she wished to travel the world in what was left of her short life. Since she left home on her 100th birthday she has never returned.   Aveanly now travels at random chasing down tales of horrible monsters and tormented people. She does everything she can to ease these afflictions and destroy these creatures. She will let no one else live in fear.

Gender Identity





Aveanly went to grade school, like most children in her hometown. She graduated schooling but never went on to university. More important is the education she gave herself in the arcane arts and the ways of warlocks in particular. This was aided by free access to The Ranoth Arcane Library where her father, Immeral, works.


Aveanly works as a freelance monster hunter (which usually involves expalining why there is a rational eplanation and not a monster). She also assists the Awatto investigators in their cases where it looks like monsters may be involved. Aveanly definitely talked herself up to get her contract with the investigators. To this day she has only encountered a few minor hauntings with ghosts who were kind enough to leave when asked and a freakishly large boar eating up crops.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aveanly talked two different ghosts into leavign their former houses so the current occupants could be free of them. She also shot a really, really big boar that was eating up people's crops. It was just a freak of nature, and she refuses to count it as a proper monster.

Failures & Embarrassments

Aveanly has never actually caught or destroyed a monster.

Mental Trauma

Aveanly is forever traumatized by her pact making encounter with Hastur and it is this that has set her on her path to rid the world of evils, monsters and terrible things.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aveanly is well read and has a high level of comprehension when reading. She speaks several languages including Abyssal. However, Aveanly is not very good with puzzels, logical investigations or mathematics. She likes to appear mroe intelligent and educated than she really is. Aveanly never wetn beyond a high school level fo formal education.

Morality & Philosophy

Aveanly is, like many, an ethical hedonist. She, like few, understands that definition. She's comfortable with it. Monster hunting is born from a desire to do good for people, not cut and dry ideas about what is good and what is evil. In fact, Aveanly is morally flexible and would defintely consider herself a moral consequentialist in most situations. In otherwords she is more concerned with what the results of actions are in determining good and bad than in the actions themselves.


Aveanly finds little to be truly taboo. That being said, she despises neeedless violence toward any living thing.

Personality Characteristics


Positive: Aveanly is triggered into action by a desire to help. If she sees someone afraid she will immediately try to alleviate that fear. Most often she does this by trying to destroy the cause rather than teach someone to over come a fear, but hey we can’t be perfect. Aveanly is also highly motivated to help children and young people in need. Lastly she is often stirred by stories of people who are gravely ill and will donate to healers or temples to help the sick. Negative: Aveanly is horrified of white masks and refuses to attend costumed events for fear of seeing one. She also immediately distrusts anyone wearing predominantly yellow (especially a yellow robe). Logically she does not think they are Hastur or a fellow warlock of him but the fear lingers. She is easily triggered into fear by any trick of the light or eye and will often jump noticeably at passing shadows she can’t readily identify.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aveanly is very good and determining tea by taste. She knows quite a bit about warlocks and potential patron beings. She also knows a decent bit about other arcane and religious subjects.   She is terrible at any sort of physical strength endeavor. She is aware of this deficency and really refuses to do much about it.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Tea, books, cats, wine, learning about other people, doing what she thinks is the right thing, art galleries, roaring fires, fresh wild mushrooms, killing monsters.   Dislikes: Beer, loud noises, the color yellow, being asked about herself, costumed events, people who hurt others, pettiness.

Virtues & Personality perks

Aveanly is a generally good person. She is very charismatic and a sparkling conversationalist. Her skills beyond her warlock magic lie in the area of deftness and dexterity. She is capable with a dagger. She had etensive knowledge of warlocks, their powers and patron beings.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aveanly must daily carve Hastur's symbol, The Yellow Sign, indelibly into something that does not belong to her. She does this compulsively and many Awatto restaurants have oddly marked tables. She is haunted by nightmares and wakes up screaming or panicking most nights.   Aveanly sometimes distrusts people for very petty reasons while claiming to despise pettiness. She likes to pretend she is more intelligent and better educated than she is. Because of this she will sometimesl ie or try to bluff that she knows things she does not actually have any idea about.

Personality Quirks

She enjoys tea quite a lot and has an odd knack for identifying types of tea by taste. This is impressive and a fun party trick but it means she absolutely cannot stand to drink poor quality tea and is occasionally rude if served something that isn’t up to her standards. Aveanly as previously stated has an aversion to the color yellow and will never, ever wear it herself. She distrusts people who like the color. She is aware this isn’t logical and can force herself to overcome it with thought but gut reactions aren’t always examined.


She is fastidiously hygenic about her person and clothes. It is rumored by the gossipy owner of her favorite tea house that she turned down an attractive and otherwise desirable suitor because his hair was never clean. This may or may not be true but is entirely believable.


Family Ties

  • Mother - Keyleth Galanodel - A human (with 1/16th elven blood) huntress and archer. Keyleth deeply misses Aveanly, who she only knew by the child name Ara, and believes she died while traveling the world. Keyleth regrets never even giving her an adult name. She is happy thinking Aveanly died enjoying traveling in the land. Personally, she regrets not spending Aveanly’s last days with her. For Aveanly to return would bring her an unimagined joy. She has many regrets but moves on strong to face the challenges of her new life. she is ecited that her young son is taking an interest in her work as a reserve guard and is very proud of him. She sees her two children as being very different people but people she is both proud of. She secret dreams that Aveanly could have met Bryn and that they could be siblings. She loves her home and family very much and joined the reserve guard both to supplement the spotty income she makes as a hunter (serving local buyers and markets) and to protect her beloved hometown.
  • Father - Immeral Galanodel - Immeral (an elf) married Keyleth and had Aveanly young. He has always blamed himself for Aveanly’s disease since it came from his side of the family. He refuses to talk about her more out of grief than anything else. Immeral was closer to Aveanly than Keyleth as he worked in the library where she studied. They spent many hours discussing books and arcane theories together even when Aveanly was an adolescent. He misses his daughter but loves his life and adores his son. He sees a chance to start over and put the past away. For Aveanly to return would radically change his world. His passion is preserving knowledge and he loves his work as a librarian and archivist. His family is his greatest bond and he is glad to be able to come home to them at the end of the day.
  • Little Brother - Bryn Galanodel - Aveanly has never met and has no idea she has a now 12 year old little brother. He knows about Aveanly only as “Ara, your sister who went away and never got an adult name” which is all Keyleth will ever say about her. He is curious when he thinks about it, but doesn’t think about it a lot. Bryn takes more after his mother and is very active. He loves sword fighting and sparing and hopes to join the reserve guard his mother is in, or even to become a professional soldier.
  • Religious Views

    Aveanly is not an active worshiper of any deity. She is mostly concerned with serving Hastur so that he does not appear to her and doesn’t bother with any other higher beings. She has a “you can only serve one master” philosophy. However, she respects Floren and will occasionally give him a prayer of t hanks for his gifts when she is appreciating the beauty of nature or the company of a friendly animal. This is due to her mother’s reverence of him. As a hunter her mother is a devout worshiper of Floren and she was raised to respect this god. Her father does not bother with deities though of course he knows they are real.

    Social Aptitude

    Aveanly is very socially adept and charismatic. She gets others to like her by molding herself to their liking in her basic mannerisms, speech and what details she chooses to diosclose or keep hidden. Aveanly wears many masks and it is entirely possible her bartender knows she swill gin like no one's business and her teetotaler landlady thinks she never touches a drop. That being said she never maliciously lies or attempts to manipulate or hurt anyone. Aveanly just has a bad habit of never presenting anything but the most likeable version of herself to any person.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Aveanly has no pets. As far as hobbies go she loves to read and devours, ironically, any horror story she can get her hands on.


    Aveanly speaks slowly and softly. Her voice is a bit deep but not outside the usually feminine range.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Aveanly makes a modest income. She doesn't live entirely hand to mouth, but could only afford a few weeks without work.

    Aveanly is generally quiet and easy going. Her silence and calm nature make her easy to get along with. Her willingness to let others talk at length without saying much herself compliments this too.

    Character Location
    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Good
    Current Residence
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Sickly alabaster
    Known Languages
    Abyssal, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Halfling

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    The Wanderer

    ((A set of notes detailing all the information Aveanly has been able to gather about The Wanderer))     From a compendium of powerful Fae from Arcanum U. Library: (read while sneaking in to the library with the help of The Hell Chickens and some drunk freshies)   The Wanderer: No one has as many favors owed to them as this Fey entity. For they wander all the planes making deals. They are said to be more true to the spirit of the deal then many other fey and rarely try to twist or trick. This has lead to them being one of the most sought out of fey by those who are not fey . They are known as a collector, what exactly they collect other than favors is ... unclear. It is roumord they just like stuff and not any one thing in particular. As long as it has true value to you they might be willing to trade for it. Those who have tried to trade for something that holds little to no personal value to them have often never been seen or heard from again.     From a collection of tales from an antiquarian bookshop: (bought for 500gp after winning the grand melee)   Can open up portals in the planescape and their favors collected stem from others wanting to use this power Likes to collect favors from beings and also trades for prized and precious posessions No physical description of The Wanderer in any of the stories Most commonly encountered on crossroads in the middle of nowhere.

    The Mad King's Sign

    Ever since my pact I've been having night terrors on and off. They seem to happen if I don't mark his symbol somewhere. I tried marking all my things but that doesn't seem to work. I think he wants other people to see it. Maybe that's his purpose with this. I'll keep doing it. I resent it, but I don't think he cares as long as I do it. I wrote it in the back of the bibliography of a library book today. Dad would be super ashamed of me, but I didn't cover any writing so it isn't too rude.   I'll write more when I've done some research. I need to determine his motives. That's if I even can.


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