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Asluwaeria Empire (Al-u-wear-a, Al-u-wear-an)

Mageocracy: The people of the Empire are a country in the loosest sense. The Empire was started by a group of mages that wanted to find a place to study the mysteries of the arcane, as trheir numbers grew they needed more food and other necessities, they were able to acquire them from their neighbors but the price was often that they had to study something in particular, stop studying something or, share their research with those who would hide it. A price too high for many of them and often the very reason they left their homes to conduct this research, eventually they came to the decision that they would have to provide for themselves, which resulted in the Empire. They originally could not decide on a leader and so the turned to what they knew best, the arcane mysteries and it was decided that whomever could decipher the problem that was currently plaguing the most researchers would be declared the leader. The first leader was crowned in only a few short months, Horvin Asluwaeria, and naturally as the best researcher the people wanted to learn from him so he sat with many of them and taught them all he knew. as tme went on and he had to declare a successor he looked at what he has spent most of his life doing, teaching the arcane, he based his decision on that and chose the person who helped him the most, Willow Lathalas, who had taken up his pastime of teaching in his old age, and upon her choosing a successor a tradition was born, now the position of leader is synonymous with Headmaster(Headmistress) and they select a few apprentices that fulfill the role of Vice-Headmaster(Headmistress) which help run the school when the Headmaster must deal with matters of state.   Asluwaeria Academy: The Academy is the heart of the Empire. Located in the northern most point of the Empire the Academy is used to train new magic users of any variety, as well as the seat of the government. The actual academy is made up of eight main campuses, one for each school of magic, two satellite campuses, used for study of esoteric schools of magic, and one research campus, used for the projects the headmaster approves. The governing body is made up of the Headmaster and five advisors in truth but in practice the Headmasters often care more about their magic experiments and leave the governing to the advisors. The Headmaster is selected by vote of the School Directors. The current Headmaster is a Raggedy Geppettin named Pointy, he has been reigning Headmaster as long as most can remember.   Asluwaerian Barrier: Approximately thirty years ago a shimmering barrier appeared surrounding the airspace of the island where the Empire rests, as well there was a fog that rose up around the shores a half days travel out. Anyone that tries to pass through the fog or barrier without permission from the Headmaster of the empire is turned around, with repeated attempts making the rotation more violent. No one but the Headmaster knows where the barrier came from, how it's powered or, how it works.   Headmaster Pointy: A raggedy Geppettin who is mostly concerned with his experimentation. He has taken over the research campus almost entirely on his lonesome, and rarely exits. He will usually only appear twice in an academic year, barring emergencies, first to welcome new first years and second to wish the graduates well. He completes his work by correspondence as well as sending his Vice-Headmistress Glynda(Shadar-Kai Elf Woman).     Four Legs, Two Wings, One Tail: Every five years there is a competition held in the empire. The competition is gladiatorial in nature and is held between Mages and the biomantic creations, known as Kaiju, they make and bring. There are two sets of trials, one for groups and one for singles. The games were at one point a major source of tourism for the Empire but since the barrier no one is sure the games have even continued.   Kaiju Gladiator: A simple game based on the Four Legs, Two Wings, One Tail competitions. The way to play is that two players each have a deck of 60 cards, each with a depiction of a creature on it, and at the beginning of each round they both draw seven of them. From those seven cards they select four of them and secretly assign them to each of the four attributes; strength, speed, armour and, special. The two players then use their fictional Kaiju to battle each other based on the attributes their Kaiju have. The winner is decided ten the round is over, the seven cards are discarded and a new round is begun, if the players cannot draw seven cards they draw as many as they can then shuffle their discard pile and draw the remainder from that. The game's winner is decided when one player has won three rounds. There is a popular magic item that uses enchantment and illusion magic to form an illusory battle each round.   Military Structure: The Asluwaeria Empire doesn't have much of a standing army, instead of military forts at defensible positions they have stables full of Kaiju that have been created by Biomancers to defend the Empire. These Kaiju come in three classes: Guard, Scout and, Soldier. Each of the three classes have a specific purpose in defending the Empire. Guard Kaiju are the most numerous, they are meant to stand watch at the borders and repel any form of intrusion. They are usually shelled and capable of taking hits that would topple buildings. Guard Kaiju are usually slow but they aren't meant to lead the vanguard of an attack and few will ever leave the Empire's borders. Guard Kaiju are also the classification and Kaiju that are used by town guards fall under in peacetimes, regardless of their abilities, though their classification may change in wartime. Scout Kaiju are another story, and during times of peace it would be more accurate to call them Spy Kaiju, they are meant to surveil outside the borders for signs that an enemy of the state is planning to attack the Empire or it's interests. Most are capable of some form of movement other than walking along the earth, and universally have some enhanced senses. Soldier Kaiju are the most varied of the classes. Some Soldier Kaiju are large engines of destruction that can level cities, while others are designed to take out only a single target quickly.
Playing Kaiju Gladiator as a player:   Roll stats for Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution as if you were creating a character(3d6). Then roll 2d4, one will be used to decide what your attacks are, and the other will be used to decide what your Kaiju's special is. Then when the Kaiju are made, roll initiative for them and Fight.   Kaiju Statblock: AC: 10 + Dex mod Health: 1d10 + Con mod Speed: 30 feet Str: Rolled Dex: Rolled Con: Rolled Int: 10 Wis: 10   Attacks:(All Kaiju attacks use Strength)
  1. Tail Spike; Melee; Range 10 ft; 1d4 Piercing
  2. Claws; Melee; Range 5 ft; 1d6 Slashing
  3. Slam; Melee; Range 5 ft; 1d6 Bludgeoning
  4. Pinions; Ranged Range 15/30 ft; 1d4 Piercing
  1. Your Kaiju can make two attacks each time they take the attack action
  2. Your Kaiju has a flying speed of 30 feet
  3. When your Kaiju hits with an attack that creature must make a DC 13 Con saving throw or be poisoned until the beginning of your Kaiju's next turn
  4. Your Kaiju gets +2 AC and + 1d6 Health

Peaceful, Suspicious

The People of the Kingdom used to enjoy peaceful relations with the Empire but since they cut themselves off from the rest of Merein the Kingdom has come to wonder what exactly they've been doing with the time and is staring to get suspicious.  With so few traders allowed past the barrier and all unmilling, or unable, to expound on the situation the Kingdom gets more and more suspicious that they are doing something blasphemous.

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