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The Yaun-ti Isles

Yuan-ti History: The Yaun-ti don't reproduce at a sustainable rate, only 1 in nearly 30 off spring are carried to term, and of those only 1 in 3 survive their first ten years. On a world like Merein that's a death sentence for the species, so the Yuan-ti decided to devise a solution. They prayed to every god they could find, they delved deep into arcane lore, they made deals with demons and devils, anything they could think of but to no avail. Until they found some old scraps of a story talking about a god older than any they had worshipped before, Skithiryx. The scraps spoke of a god who survived against all odds, which seemed perfect to the Yuan-ti, so they worshipped to and sacrificed to and did whatever it took to get in contact with Skithiryx. They succeeded and for their devotion they were given the conversion ritual. Now they are able to take willing participants of other races and convert them into Yuan-ti. The process takes several days and the people who arise from the process often have difficulty remembering everything about their old lives. The process can also fail sometimes, resulting in malisons and abominations, the failures are hunted down but some escape. All the escaped seem to want to do is go further into the islands.
  Yuan-ti Monastaries: The modern day Yuan-ti have set themselves up as an alternative to the constant warring of the mainland. They set up a few monasteries on the mainland but they tend to be small camps more than large churches. Yuan-ti all practice medicine and are especially adept at curing poisons, if a Yuan-ti is your doctor you know you are in good hands. Yuan-ti offer their services as doctors and healers to other rulers, and they are always treated well, the Yuan-ti are famous for their neutrality and for following the rulers that they are serving loyally.
  Yaun-ti Religion: All Yaun-ti worship Skithiryx, no exceptions. Skithiryx is a god of Survival, Evolution and Hunting. Skithryx iconography is a snake wrapped around a scaled egg. There are rumors that Skithiryx has a corporeal manifestation on their Islands and that's why no non-ti are allowed any further inland. Any Yuan-ti found to be worshipping a different god is hunted down and brought to the Islands for judgement by the high priests of Skithiryx. If they are found guilty they are forced into a process that will turn them back to their original race, no one knows what would happen if a natural born Yuan-ti was forced through this process but the thought of not worshipping the is antithetical to them.
  Yaun-ti Warcraft: Yuan-ti disdain making war but fully support defending oneself and one's people. Few Yuan-ti will throw the first punch but every Yuan-ti will make the enemy regret being in a fight with them. Yuan-ti tend to fight using small skirmishes and guerilla warfare. Yuan-ti treat any fights as a hunt employing traps and poisons and attacking from the shadows or other hidden places where possible.
The Yaun-ti Isles are accepting of all races but only in their port city.  Any one found outside the city that is not Yuan-ti is hunted down and killed with no exceptions recorded in history.
Religious, Monastic Order
The Yuan-to are free to leave the Islands but few do without there being a good reason, those who do often say they don't feel as comfortable as when they are on the islands.

Peaceful, Welcoming

As the only other people who are as religious as themselves the people of The Kingdom are very welcoming to Yuan-ti and, while they find them silly for only devoting themselves to one part of Panne and denying the others, they are welcome in the Kingdom. The Kingdom would come to the aid of the Yuan-ti in conflict.

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