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06. Death By Pie

The adventurers returned from their encounter at Smolder Mine, and visited Mirabel and her injured father, Mr Kovac. The father had somewhat recovered, waking from his poisoned sleep and the town apothecary, Mrs Eren was there as well. The adventurers explained what had happened at the mine, and provided a little detail about the monsters called the Neogi, which were responsible for attacking Kovac. Thankful for their help, the Kovacs provided a reward to the adventurers, and Mirabel gifted improved armour to Bal'Aur, which had wispy tendrils of odorless smoke emanating from it thanks to the use of smolder ore. If the half-orc looked imposing before, now he looked even more intimidating.   Mr Kovac enquired about a cloth bag that he had dropped during his escape from the mines, which he claimed was very helpful during his time in the mines, for it could carry a significant weight. After some prodding, the old man admitted that the bag could be of magical nature.   The adventurers recalled that one of the Neogi creatures had been handling this bag, but didn't think to investigate it after the heat of battle. They promised Mr Kovac that they would return to the mine to find it, but for now they would enjoy the rest of the day at the local fair.

Playing fair is for losers

Every year Junstol held a local fair, with the main highlight being the Pie Extravaganza, sponsored by the wealthy noble, Juilo Moretti.   The town was full of locals and even people from further away. Various activities were on offer, such as bobbing for apples, tug-of-war, a pie eating contest and even a goat rodeo with Bessy the Goat. One game, hosted by the sly elf Corven, was called "Shoot the Tiefling", where the player was spun around a few times, given a crossbow and needed to quickly shoot the target, which was in the likeness of a tiefling. When the player was spun around, the children would sing:
“A mad man east, a fiendling west, nine days later, a tiefling pest!”

Gilles delighted in causing some chaos, secretly using his new found wizardly powers to cause all sort of shenanigans. He cackled as he issued a whisper in one child that his parents despised him, only to be consoled by Bal'Aur.   Each game would earn the participants a number of tickets depending on their performance, and enough tickets could be converted into prizes. The booth of prices was manned by Luigi, who worked for Moretti, and the grand prize was on display - a platinum ring with a transparent yellow-green gemstone. It looked expensive, so the adventurers chipped in their tickets together to get enough for the grand prize.   Eberon presented his tickets to Luigi just as the Pie judging had commenced, drawing in the crowds. Unfortunately. the manservant caught the half elf out, disqualifying the claim.
Desperately wanting the ring, Bal'Aur and Gilles suddenly caused a scene to give Eberond a chance to steal it but this did not go their way. A few villagers called for the town watch, whilst others grumbled trying to see how Moretti was trying out the pies.
Very shortly, Half Captains Mujj and Haaso emerged from the crowds, looking to see what the ruckus was about. Whilst Gilles accused the aghast Luigi of stealing his own prizes, Eberond snuck to the side of the prize tent. Poor Luigi was also assailed by arcane whispers from Gilles, to confuse him that he was being called by Moretti on stage.
It was now that townspeople yelled in horror, for Juilio Moretti had dropped prone on the stage, surrounded by the shocked pie baking contestants. He convulsed violently and foamed at the mouth.   Gilles and Bal'Aur left the prize tent and pushed their way through the crowd towards the stage, for while Gilles liked to cause a bit of harmless havoc, he could potentially helped Julio. Meanwhile Luigi also ran towards his employer, tripping over Eberond. Luigi ignored the half-elf and continued to run towards the stage. During this time, the solemn dragonborn paladin, Surina, stood and kept to herself.

Gilles reached the convulsing Moretti and called upon the healing energies to cure the man, but alas this failed to work. The man ceased moving, uttering his last gasp and died.
Some moments later, the town apothecary reached the stage too, and quickly diagnosed that the noble was poisoned, most likely by a specific flower.

Locals quickly pointed their fingers to one of the contestants, being a tiefling named Hope, for she had baked a flower pie.

Mujj and Haaso apprehended the tiefling, and announced she would die by fire at dawn. The adventurers were confused, for should not a trial take place? The town watch explained that tieflings did not fall under the protection of the law, and that "as we all know, what has tails can't be trusted and what has horns should be killed." If the adventurers had a problem with this, they could take it up with Jerwitt Hubblepot, the village Vodja and law master.

Pies and Lies

The adventurers started their own investigation, first trying to get a better understanding of the poison by asking Mrs Eren, who was accompanying Luigi and the dead body back to the Moretti's Manor. Mrs Eren clarified the characteristics of the Rossaflower and the Bloodflower and also that the process was not very well known. She herself knew how, but of course would not simply share such information.   The group arrived at the Manor, and the mother acted as one could suspect, though the Lady Moretti held a sembalence of calm. Mrs Eren explained the circumstances of the death and introduced the adventurers. The noblewoman did not have any good things to say about the tiefling, echoing the unfortunate derogatory remarks that the adventurers had heard before. When asked if any of the contestants could have a romantic interest with Julio, Sofia was aware that Julio had seen Hope a few times before and before that, some time ago, Mrs Meatbraise too had an interest in Julio, though both women were far below their station to have a chance with her son.
They also asked if there was anyone who may have a motive to kill Juilio, including who was next in line for any inheritance. Lady Moretti explained that Julio was an heirless bachelor - now that he was dead when she too passed the control over possession would return to the family in Fiumri. The nation was faraway, and reading between the lines it seemed that the noblewoman may have been banished by her family a long time ago, taking a young Julio with her many years ago.   The manservant seemed honestly distraught at the death of his employer and the other manor staff had little reason to murder.   Outside the Manor, the adventures discussed on how to proceed next, whilst noticing the Rossa Flowers growing in the gardens around them. They decided to split and chase up leads in pairs to speed things up, as it was already evening. Gilles and Eberond left to visit the Jerwitt, the Vodja to try and extend the time before the accused tiefling would burn and would also visit one of the contestants, Mrs Meatbreaise. Meanwhile, Bal'Aur and Surina would investigate Hope's home and also talk to another contestant, Mrs Patterwall, who conveniently lived next door.   Gilles and Eberond interrupted the village Vodja at his home during his supper, and were invited in. The halfling casually explained that Hope's execution was out of his domain, as tieflings were not listed under the Merrian Racial Accords, so she could be treated much like a feral animal.
However, if evidence could prove she was innocent, he would be able to stop the Watch from destroying her.
The two adventurers left Jerwitt to his meal and headed off to Mrs Meatbraise.   On the other end of the village, Surina and Bal'Aur spoke to Mrs Patterwall. The old gnome was a gossip but didn't appear to have any kind of reason to to cause harm to anybody. She did claim that she heard a man clamber into Hope's house through a window last night, perhaps to avoid being seen by the neighbours. She suspected that the visitor could have been Julio, noting without any acid in her tone that she thought the tiefling as a town whore. She confirmed that she heard a few days ago that Julio visited the tiefling and presented her with the Rossaflowers from his manor, as she promised to make him a pie based on a recipe from Fiumri, which apparently had excited the nobleman. As for Mrs Meatbraise, the gnome mentioned that the woman's pies had won for a number of years now and that Mrs Meatbraise was very fond of Julio.
The adventurers thanked the gnome and then approached Hope's home.   At this point, Eberond and Gilles arrived at Mrs Meatbraise's home, a stocky human woman who was getting past her prime. She enquired who they were and after Gilles advised her they were working for the late Julio Moretti and looking to finalise certain matters, Mrs Meatbraise let them in. The woman responded to their questions and appeared to think the tiefling could indeed be responsible for the crime but did not mind to point fingers at other possible suspects being other contestants, namely the elf tailor Vyetar and the Spinster, possibly being a witch. Mrs Meatbraise did seem to have an understanding that the flower ingredient in the pie had been swapped for a poison, echoing Mrs Eren's earlier remarks,   Bal'Aur and Surina's investigation at Hope's dilapidated home was fruitful. The tiefling was very poor and one would think that the price for the contests of a hundred gold pieces could help out greatly. The adventurers found that one of the windows had been forced open, evidence of a break in. Mrs Patterwall had mentioned that a man had entered the window last night but it appeared more that he had broken in - perhaps Hope was asleep or even not here at the time. A search of the small kitchen also found a clay jar with traces of red dried powder, which would be confirmed as being the poison derived from Bloodflower.

The Spinster

The group caught up again and shared their findings, discussing potential suspects and motives but still needed to find out more. The sun had well set a while ago now. Together they travelled to the Brook, where one of the contestants lived known as the Spinster. As they approached the quant cottage, the door opened before them, and the woman beckoned them to enter. Surina uttered a prayer underneath her breath and could detect a strange aura around the cottage, which her teachings indicated was magic. The Spinster was a firbolg with pale green tone with elvish like ears and introduced herself again as Primrose, or Prim for short. The adventurers had met her earlier that day at the fair, for she had a tent with a strange puzzle box for people to play. The adventurers didn't actually notice neither how tall she was on account of her stance or the tall ceilings in her cottage, instead concentrated on pursuing further information regarding the murder.  

  The firbolg provided both tea and information, claiming she too was sure that Hope was innocent. The adventurers were starting form a theory that the prime suspect could be either someone in Julio's family from Fiumri or Mrs Meatbraise. Questioned regarding different suspects, she advised that both Julio's mother and Mrs Meatbraise had visited in time past for various assistance that Mrs Eren could not provide. She herself knew of the Bloodflower and knew it could be found locally if one knew how to look, but of course would not share this information nor did she have this written down anywhere. Meanwhile, the tiefling worked at Mrs Eren doing some cleaning, and the apothecary was just teaching her how to read. The adventurers thanked her for her time and left, and she waved goodbye and noted that they had done well at the mines today. With little time to question her on how she knew this, the adventurers returned to visit Mrs Eren at her home.   Mrs Eren was surprised by the visit but was more than willing to help them. Building on their developing theories, the adventurers asked more about Hope and Mrs Meatbraise. Hope had worked for Mrs Eren for the last few weeks and was being taught to read - Mrs Eren was adamant that the Hope couldn't have successfully read the apothecary's books on such things. Regarding Mrs Meatbraise, the adventurer asked if the woman ever had access to such knowledge and this had jogged her memory - Mrs Eren told them that some years ago Mrs Meatbraise had worked for her until the woman's man died suddenly.

Replace the stage with gallows

With the collection of testimonies, the adventurers decided to return to the vilage Vodja and provide a new suspect, without speaking to either Hope or the final contestant, Vyetar. Jewritt was at his dining table again, eating a smelly broth but was happy to listen to them. After Jerwitt heard their findings and accusation of a person, he nodded and gathered his cloak. They dropped by the constabulary to pick up Mujj and Hasso on the way and continued on towards the new suspect.   Jerwitt knocked on the front door and after a moment, Mrs Meatbraise warily opened the door. The group of people barged inside and Jerwitt began reciting testimonies, how the act had occurred and the motive. Mrs Meatbraise had been infatuated with Julio Moretti for a long time now but had realised that her chances to be with him were none, on account of her believing that there was a developing relationship between the nobleman and young tiefling, Hope. Mrs Meatbraise was utterly jealous, and having gained knowledge of the Bloodflower during her time working with Mrs Eren, had broken into Hope's home last night, whilst the tiefling was playing her flute at the Dog's Leg. Mrs Patterwall heard a stocky person break in and Jerwitt pointed at Mrs Meatbraise's stocky build. The woman had then replaced the Rossaflower with the poisonous Bloodflower, which shared a lot of characteristics. The motive was to kill Julio on the reasoning of not being able to be with him, and to frame the tiefling, on account of the jealousy and ease of framing a tiefling who fell outside of the Merian Racial Accords. Jerwitt awaited her response.
Mrs Meatbraise's face skewed in anger and she spat, replying that if she could not have Julio, not one would. Mujj and Hasso were shocked and surprised, and on Jerwitt order's the woman was arrested. the vodja declared she would die by hanging at dawn and she was taken away.   Hope was immediately released, and the tiefling was beyond thankful that the adventurers had saved her life. In return, not having much she gave them her cloak, which she said was a gift from her family in Fiumri when she left.   It was very late now, and the weary adventurers left for their homes to get some sleep, passing the village centre where some workers were replacing the stage with a gallow.

Behind the Scenes

For further spoilers, see here: 06a. Death by Pie - Behind the Scenes
Sune 4th, 5249AC   Location
Junstol Base Map Image

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