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14. A Cleric's Legacy

Following their encounter at the Salt Mine, the band of adventurers decided to investigate Master Kovak's problem - that being of his missing child. The boy, Gherro Novak, had gone missing the week before and by now Master Novak was offering a reward of one thousand gold pieces, a substantial sum. The rotund man was disappointed with the local town watch's attempts in finding the child, so hoped the adventurers fared better.
He provided the most recent information about Gherro, and the adventurers snooped around Trg to follow up on these clues. The adventurers managed to find Ghero's two friends by the docks, and although reluctant to help the adventurers, fearsome threats from Eberond made the children tell all that they knew, mainly that they last saw Gherro speaking to a cleric, and then they both wandered off together.   The clues ultimately led them to the Silver Fang's recent hideout at the edge of the town. Judging by the events described by Gherro's friends and other witnesses, the boy had been taken by a cleric, quite possibly Plain Martin, the cleric that had been working for the Silver Fangs who the Gilles had recently killed during the events by the Barren Tree.
Despite their search of the empty home, they found no other clues. Meanwhile Bal'Aur enquired around and spoke to a dwarven neighbour. The dwarf didn't seem to have seen anything, though did make mention of a strange, lingering smell in his farm field which took his wife's cooking of goulash to get rid of from his sneses. The half-orc thanked the dwarf and let him be.   The adventurers then decided to find where the remnants of the Silver Fangs had disappeared to, surmising they may know about Gherro. Speaking with Lady Ezma at the Siren's Call, they found out that the Silver Fangs had left a few days ago, headed west. The western road led to a fork, so it was possible that the Silver Fangs either left towards Ozerksy, the holy city, or turned south towards the town of Ust. The adventurers took a punt and decided to trek towards Ozerksy.   Some hours on the road, they stopped by a half-way inn called the Dirty Pigg and enquired within. No one had seen any Silver Fangs come through, though some patrons made mention that the gang could have headed towards the resort town of Havenlok. The sun was in its decent, but the adventurers decided to make their way to Havenlok and see if they had any luck there.


Heading south from the Dirty Pigg, they travelled along a well maintained road. It was the first day of another heat wave - the last gasp of summer before the winds of autumn. However, the Godsrange Mountains in the north, ever clad in snow thanks to their heights, still provided some cooling as the gentle breeze combed over them and into Northern Dezaria.   As is most of Dezaria, the land was mostly grassy and flat with the occasional small hill, except for a collection of taller mountains dotting the southern horizon. To the west and between the hills, they could glimpse the glistening Lake Peh, one of the two largest lakes in all of Dezaria. Scattered here and there across the grassland were whitened boulders, some even the size of a two storey house, making the view during the trek pleasant.  
Some hours later and it it was dark. The Prophets in the night sky provided little in the way of light, but apart from the human Gilles, the rest had little trouble with the night. Up ahead they finally saw Havenlok, standing tall, being a castle built on a raised peninsula. Torches lit the walls, making it seem majestic. The sound of crashing water could be heard, but the midnight darkness hid the waterfalls that lined the entire Lake Peh, where water flowed from the upper grand basin into the lower basin.   The adventurers proceeded across the castle's barbican and a guard from the gatehouse's battlements called out, asking what their business was. Catsby replied and persuaded the guard that they were a performing troupe, and that the castle's manager, Leono, was aware of their arrival.
But it was midnight and the mercenary guard followed procedure, telling the adventurers to wait whilst he went to speak to Leono.   Shortly a bleary eyed tortle appeared, clad in a green cloak with blue accents. He saw Catsby and ordered his men to draw up the gate's portcullis. Leono didn't seem to mind Catsby's lie to the guard, actually the tortle was in need of performers. Catsby had performed in Havenlok some years before, so Leono didn't have so much an issue with the tabaxi, but looked questioningly at the other adventurers, who were mostly heavily armed.
Catsby explained that these were all part of his new act. Leoni shrugged, and would allow them to sleep in the worker's quarters but would need to leave their weapons at the gatehouse - for state officials, clergy and The Mazhory stayed here and weapons were disallowed by any patron to avoid "accidents". Furthermore, Leono would need see a part of the performance in the morning to ensure it was suitable for the guests.
Despite some of the adventurers' attempts to smuggle in their weapons, none were able to trick the well trained eyes of the mercenaries.
Leono then introduced them to The Kaptain, the leader of the mercenaries who were referred to as the Propheteers. The Kaptain, an older yet well built gentlemen took the adventurers to the worker's quarters. On the way, the adventurers heard a screech above them, and the Kaptain advised them that it was simply two giant eagles on a midnight hunt.
  The workers' quarters were basic but comfortable. Before he left them, The Kaptain warned them to ensure they shut any doors behind them, as Leono complained about the draft that swept around the castle.

The Gnome & The Dame

The next morning, some of the adventurers met up with Leono, who was expecting them. However he didn't get a performance, as Catsby explained their true purpose - that they were in search of Master Novak's kidnapped child and that they had reasoning that there were Silver Fangs here in Havenlok who knew more about the matter.
Leono knew of Master Novak, and decided he would help the adventurers. They would all need to take a part of Havenlok's staff, so that the guests were not alarmed. Whilst Catsby and Bal'Aur would act as performers, the rest would act like serving staff, guards and labourers.
These guises gave each of the adventurers a way to explore Havenlok and investigate its patrons and staff alike.   For Brutalithops, as he was a goblin and Leono advised him to stay clear of any patrons, he was shown the hidden passage ways amongst the castle. Many of the contraptions, such as the fans that blew air, had their systems break down an age ago, and instead were cranked manually by children and goblins alike. Upon Brutalithops enqueries with such workers, they did not complain about their working conditions - despite their monotonous tasks, they thought they were paid well enough.
  Regardless of the arrangement, Leono still expected a performance that evening as repayment for their lodgings at Havenlok.
The adventurers slept fitfully and made their way oustide. Now that it was day, they could see Havenlok in its full glory. Its design was unlike any other building they had seen in Dezaria. Even Brutalithops, who had seen the neighbouring nation of Fiumri, found Havenlok's architecture very different. Intricate lines made the walls and inner building structure a wonder to look at, but were carefully designed to offer excellent protection. The state of the castle seemed immaculate, so it was hard for any of the adventurers to determine how old Havenlok actually was.

Yet the adventurers concentrated at the task in hand. Throughout the day, they took advantage of their guises to search for the Silver Fangs.
It was later in the afternoon that Gilles, dressed up as a waiter at the gambling club, Prophetkeep, saw one of the gang members. It was a gnome they had briefly met at Tahlie's, the underground tavern in Trg. The gnome was speaking to a broad shouldered, dark tanned woman. Gilles took the earliest opportunity to report back to the others as soon as he could.
At the same time, Catsby was at the Prophetkeep as well but he was concentrating more on a tabaxi lady. She had left her husband at the gambling tables and drew herself to the bar. Despite his best efforts, Catsby was unable to charm the lady tabaxi, though he did get her name, Yaritsa Brightfer.   When the adventurers met up with one another, Gilles explained what he had seen and Eberond recalled that the gnome was Akko, the gang's lock picker and safe cracker. He would go and find him, and see what the gnome knew, though there was little time as they were all expected to be at the Banquet Hall and undertake certain jobs there for Leono.
Eberond, who had assumed the guise of a mercenary guard, rushed to the Prophetkeep and scanned his eyes for Akko. He then saw the gnome disappear into the rest chambers, but before he could head further he noticed a broad shouldered woman talking to a couple of patrons.   She was tall, fit and ebony skinned. She was well dressed, her powdered wig was expertly done, and with a discerning eye, a person would see the bulge in her throat. For those less discerning, they would find the woman had another bulge further down, between her nether region.
Eberrond approached Mrs Fabulous, the man who was a master of disguises.
Mrs Fabulous was initially shocked to see the half-elf, mentioning he had heard that Eberond had been killed but then that he had somehow survived.
Eberond didn't waste too much time, threatening him to tell him everything regarding Akko or Plain Martin. Mrs Fabulous didn't know much about Plain Martin, though confirmed the late cleric had some sick tastes and that the kidnapping of a child didn't surprise him.
As for Akko, he was on a job tonight - Mrs. Fabulous would keep a particular patron busy and Akko would break in to the man's room to steal a journal, though what was contained in this document was only known by its owner and Spooneye, Silver Fang's leader. Apart from that, Mrs. Fabulous knew little else.
Before leaving to confront Akko, Eberond suggested Mrs. Fabulous quit ties with the Silver Fangs and their evil ways. Mrs Fabuous replied that the money was too good and who else would have an outcast such as him?   Akko had just returned to the main room of the Prophetkeep, adjusting himself. Eberond decided to approach one of the mercenary guards instead. Discreetly pointing to the gnome, Eberond advised the guard of Akko's intentions. The guard nodded and thanked Eberond, signaling another guard over.
Meanwhile, Eberond made his way to the Banquet Hall.

Flying Horrors

The Banquet Hall was located on one of the higher levels of Havenlok. It was in the shape of a three quarter circle, with the massive windows on its sides covered with heavy, green drapes, and at the far end was a series of steps leading to what acted as the stage, with intricate swirling lines decorating the walls. An art installation of the constellation hung above the Banquet Hall, and Brutalithops, hidden in the cavity of the false domed ceiling, was tasked to operate a crank which would turn the constellation.
There were nearly a hundred people now in the Banquet Room. For those who had a keen historical eye, they would realise that this was the original throne room.
Tall candelabras were situated neatly around the room, lighting the hall softly, and their lights reflected off the glass in the constellation above and the four armoured statues, which gripped blunted great swords in their mailed fists.   The series of tables had been arranged in singular a "u" shape whilst in its centre was another table, with a large, delicious looking roasted wild boar. Gilles had been tasked to carve the meat, and was doing a tremendously awful job at it.   Eberond was one of the two guards posted here at the Banquet Hall, and looked as Leono stood in front of the assembled patrons. The tortle thanked the patrons and then introduced them to Sir Great Catsby, and his performing companion, Bal'Aur.
Feast at Havenlok
Following the polite applause, the two adventurers stood upon the small stage, and in their haste realised they had not actually agreed what their performance would entail.
Ultimately, it would turn out to be a two part act of comedy and horror.   As the patrons looked and ate, Catsby told Bal'Aur to hold up his arms like steps, and the tabaxi then attempted to walk up to be held aloft by the half-orc. Although the strong half-orc had no doubts he could hold Catsby aloft, the bard was not as nimble as he imagined, and Catbsy proceeded to fall down on his face. Before the guests could even laugh, Brutalithops decided he had enough of turning the constellation's crank and punched a ceiling hatch open. Determined to steal the show, he would land on top the tall half-orc, but instead fell face down into a pot of hot soup resting on the long table.   After a brief moment, if the patrons were not yet confused or amused, the windows on one side of the Banquet Hall suddenly smashed in, shards scattering across the large room.
A large, bloodied creature collided into the table where Gilles was working, screeching in pain. It was one of the giant eagles they had heard the night before, but this creature was a mangled mess.
Through the broken windows appeared three insectoid creatures, held aloft with their array of four, off-milk coloured wings. The creatures' bodies were encased in a exoskeleton of a shiny dark blue hue, and six multi jointed legs sprouted from their long bodies.
Whilst their bodies poorly resembled a wasp-like creature, their heads held no such comparison. The creatures had lipless mouths with wickedly sharp and pointed teeth, whilst their eyes were hollowed black pits.
One of the three creatures uttered a terrifying and unnatural noise, which especially echoed within Eberond's and Brutalithops' minds. The other two monsters assailed the maimed giant eagle and their vicious teeth took great chunks out of the noble bird's throat, ending it.
At this point the patrons were overwhelmed by the situation and in maddened terror started to rush towards the doors, which were kept closed on prior orders of Leono to avoid a draft.   Although Bal'Aur managed to retain his armour, the smoldering effect of Mirabel's craft being part of the so-called performance, he was without his usual weapon. Bal'Aur took steps to a nearby armoured statue and pulled out the great sword it held. It was blunt, but its weight alone would cause considerable harm, as was shown in a resulting blow against one of the strange creatures that hacked a messy chunk off.
A nearby Propheteer was emboldened by Bal'Aur's action and grabbed one of the long candelabras, using it like an improvised trident. The guard's aim was true and bit deep into the monster's body, but in return the man received a blow from one the monster's forelimbs that punctured his skull and pinned him into the wall. Some kind of energy pulsated through the limb of the monster and into the man, exploding the guard's head into nothing. As his headless body slumped into the ground, one of the lit candelabras was pushed down and ignited the heavy drapes billowing across the broken windows.   The monsters were already hewing into the screaming patrons, for those who were too slow being messily impaled by the creatures' sharp limbs or slashed with horrible ease. Those who survived the initial strike would be destroyed by the pulsating energy the creatures could call forth.
Gilles calmly uttered a prayer and summoned forth Helm's power, a divine bolt smashing into one of the monsters with catastrophic consequences, as the creature was engulfed and obliterated by radiant energy.
One of the patrons, finely dressed in the robes of the Order and tanned skin, stood tall and also summoned Helm's power. But the second monster was a little quicker and the bolt of energt smashed into the domed ceiling above, mosaic tiles showering across the Banquet Hall.
Meanwhile Eberond struggled to overcome his fear of these creatures. He haphazardly grabbed what utensils he could off the long table and threw them into the creatures.
Brutalithops had by now recovered from his fall and threw the pot away. Using Eberond's idea, he grabbed some sharp looking meat knives and then dove across the table towards the centre where one of the flying creatures was. Unfortunately, the pot he had just thrown had somehow rolled right where his bound landed, and found his foot stuck into the pot and tripped him over.   By the door, the patrons were stampeding and by this act were making it impossible to actually open the doors. People who slipped and fell were trampled by their maddened acquaintances.
Another elderly and obese cleric made his way, pushing through the crowd and trying escape. He brushed past Gilles who in turn planted his foot. No one saw a grim smile cross Gille's lips as the fat priest careened through the crowd and disappeared. The fallen cleric called out to be helped, but the terrified throng of patrons simply continued to push and squeeze one another, trampling those underfoot.
Catsby jumped off the long table and happened to land on one of the monster's back. Unable to sustain something on its back, it dropped to the ground, pinned by the tabaxi. The monster struck wildly and caught the nearby Brutalithops. Energy surged through its limb and into the goblin, and his smoking body fell onto the ground. Bal'Aur took the opportunity of the grounded creature to swing the hefty great sword and it smashed into the monster, splitting its head into two.
Catsby rolled off the carcass and with a melodic phrase, white weaves of magic spread across the goblin's fallen body and woke him from his wounded state.   Gilles stood on the carving table to get a better angle, whilst the other tanned cleric stood nearby in support. They concentrated their bolts of divine energy against the remaining monster.
The unknown cleric's aim was horrible, unable to hit it, whilst Gilles' managed to wing the creature.
It then turned its attention to Gilles and dove down on him. Its sharp limb grazed Gilles but the coruscating energy surged through the man's body and he dropped prone atop the table, unmoving.
Seeing these events unfold, Eberond finally conquered his fear and joined the remaining heroes to try and kill the last threat.
Smoke from the burning drapes swept around the Banquet Hall, but not enough to yet cause any concern.   The lone creature was encircled, perched on the carving table an the hall's centre with Gilles' unmoving body underneath it.
The tanned cleric once more tried his luck to cast Helm's energy into the monster, but a gross miscalculation had the bolt smash into Gilles' body. Lines of radiant energy crackled across the man's skin and burned sections off his clothes. Perhaps coincidence, or did this mirror the recent events of the Salt Mine where Gilles' bolt of radiant energy accidentally hit Bal'Aur?   By now, the surviving patrons had managed to open one of the doors enough to start squeezing through. Behind them were bodies of people, some wounded, some crushed to death, including the obese cleric.   A wounded Brutalithops, with his foot still stick in a soup pot, managed to drag the unconscious Gilles into the cover below the long tables.
How intelligent the monster could be was beyond anyone's guess, but it seemed to seek its survival by trying to fly away. As it pushed past Bal'Aur, the half-orc took the opportunity at a strike, and despite its bluntness, the great sword arced perfectly and smashed the monster into the ground. The momentum of the swing pushed through its body and cut it into half. Dark ooze squelched from its griveious injury and after squirming and screeching in agony for a moment, it then stopped moving.   The performance had concluded.

Battered Clues

Mrs. Fabulous had used the chaos to make his way out of Havenlok. He had seen Akko being unceremoniously chucked out of the castle by the Prophetteers, who now sported fresh black eyes and broken fingers. Thanks to Eberond, the gnome had survived a major beating but at least retained his life.
Mrs Fabulous had caught up with the gnome and he led them towards where Spooneye was waiting for them, some miles away from whatever craziness was going on in Havenlok.   The two Silver Fangs would arrive earlier than the agreed time, but the job was a failure. Without the thieves tools the mercenaries had taken off Akko and his broken fingers, there was no chance in getting into the targets' safe. Mrs. Fabulous had no intention of shielding the Half-Elf. Spooneye would know of the halfling's actions that led to this failure.   Akko beckoned them to move off the road and into the wild. Somewhere off the beaten track, the other Silver Fangs awaited them.

Sune 10th - 11th, 5249AC  

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