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Races of Merra

The following details races known to the people of Merra. who are know to be sentient.    


Dragonborn can be generally found all across Merra. Some myths claim that they sailed to the lands from far away foreign shores, where mythical creatures known as Dragons exist.    


Drow are cousins to Elves and there is a longstanding enmity between the two. Drow maintain their own state, Sunder Isle, where it is said that they worship an evil and false Goddess in the bowels of the island's great mountains and underworld.   Drow are very rare across Merra, and these are normally ones to have left their kin but without telling any stranger as to why.   The Soulguard take a special interest in Drow, fearing that they could spread a false religion from Sunder Isle.    


Dwarves are often found in Merra's cities. Some remain in clans in the wild or underground. They are industrious and theeir skill in a chosen craft is usually excellent. They have been in Merra since time immemorial.    


Elves mostly hale from the Arborian Kingdom, which is the primary race of those lands. Some elves leave their ancestral home if they don't strictly believe the dictates and principles of the Kingdom.   Elves live for a long time, and most elves living outside of Arboria will either return home prior to their death or find a peaceful resting place so outsiders do not actually know their lifespan. To further this, elves outside of Arboria will generally move homes every so often, whether decades or centuries.   Due to the nature and longevity of elves, they are often found in places of power.    


Not much is known about the Firbolg, as they tend to live in the wild and away from civilizations. Firbolg are known to have arrived in Dezaria only a few hundred years ago, but the Arborians long ago included them under the Merrian Racial Accords, as part of an ultimatum to sign the treaty.    


The giants normally stay in the badlands they call Juntland. The Arborian Kingdom tolerates them as they are a buffer for their south-western borders of Fiumri and Dezaria, while these two nations can do little against the might of giants. Giants do not get involved with others, until they go hungry and explore in search of food, be it a wild animal or humanoid.    


Goblins generally tend to shy away from cities and towns, forming their own cabals in mountains and forests. Some however venture to make either a name for themselves or simply enjoy what civilizations provide, even if they are not listed under the Merrian Racial Accords. It is thought that their ancestors escaped the northern lands destroyed by the Incursion.   There are some rumours that In Fiumri, certain goblins are indentured to the monarchy's services and used as reconnaissance and spies.    

Half Orcs

Half-orcs are considerably rare in the civilised countries of Merra. they are only known to come from union between orcs and humans,.   They were initially formed during raids from Orcs coming from Hel and Deathsea., where the unfortunate female human would become pregnant. Such children were shunned and often killed, yet some mothers took care of them.   Through time, half orcs gained some respect for they were usually adept fighters and wars needed such talents, however to this day are stilled shunned in most communities.   The sole Orc clan in all of Dezaria, the Aur, have been living in these lands for hundreds of years and have respected most of the local laws. Through time, they have softened their attitudes towards races other than orcs and on rare occasions find union with humans and other races who feel reciprocally. As such, there is slightly more half-orcs across Eastern Dezaria, some who stay with the clan and others who find their home in a village.    


Humans are the most common race found in Merra. Given their inherent ambitions, ingenuity and flexibility to morals, they often hold higher places in power all kingdoms and states, with exception of the Arborian Kingdom and the untamed region of Juntland.   Elvish history indicates that humans are less common in the Eastern Continent, but yet one human was in The Cabal Aeternus, which was the ruling power of the Helstraad Empire for millennia.    


Orcs refer to themselves as The Wandering Tribes. Orcs are known to exist past Helsgate, in the lands of Hel and even the desert of Deathsea. They are known to be savage nomadic warriors who see themselves as superior to any other race, but very dedicated to their own clan. They were known to band their clans together on occasion and pillage Eastern Dezaria, though that has not occurred in hundreds of years. Though following such invasions, half orcs have been bought about.   There is only one clan in all of Dezaria, the Aur. They stay away from the bigger cities and can be found travelling across Eastern Dezaria. They are known to be superb fighters. Through the few hundred years of being in Dezaria, they have softened their attitudes towards other races and take non-Orcs within their tribe on very rare occasions.   Orcs are not listed under the Merrian Racial Accords, and therefore are not subject to paying taxes, but are also exempt from the protection of the law.    


Western Tabaxi can be found commonly around Fiumri and other nations of west Merra. In Dezaria, they are one of the rare species that are subject to some prejudice, as an old wives saying generally advises not to trust anything with a tail, an appendage the Tabaxi are very proud off.   There are rumours that some Tabaxi have come from the Dark East and can be differentiated by the taller and lithe stature, compared the more girthy and shorter Tabaxi usually seen.    


Tieflings are said to be cursed offspring who can traces their blood lines to the times of Incursion, where devils, fiends and monsters invaded Merra. They say the tiefling race was the product of when mortals and devils mated in unholy union.   Tieflings are generally unwanted in any settlement. Persecuted, it leaves little option for most tieflings towards a life of crime, perpetuating other denizens' racism towards them.   Tieflings are not listed under the Merrian Racial Accords, meaning they have no rights or protection by the law.    


This race is said to originate from the Samski Isles and further east before the Rift turned the waters there into what is now know as the Gruesome Sea, thanks to the constant and severe storms. Tortles are known to live for a very long time, outlasting dwarves. As tortles procreate very close to the end of their lifespan, they are orphaned soon after birth and quickly learn to fend for themselves. Due to their longer lifespans and reproductive process, they are few in number.


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