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Dwarves of the The Lonely Mountain

“There now Dáin son of Náin took up his abode, and he became King under the Mountain, and in time many other Dwarves gathered to his throne in the ancient halls.”

The Kingdom Under the Mountain

  When the Dwarves first settled on Erebor, the Lonely Mountain, they dug deep and far, carving a kingdom of stone and jewels beneath its slopes. Lamps and candles burned ceaselessly to illuminate their busy hands, and their treasure grew along with their fame in the Northern world.   One day, the greatest Dragon of the Age came south on the wings of greed; Smaug the Golden burnt the Kingdom under the Mountain to ashes, smashing its pride with a lash of his tail. But Dwarves can hold a grudge that outlasts a Dragon’s life, and at the end of an incredible adventure, Thorin Oakenshield and thirteen fellow conspirators lived to see the death of Smaug. Today, the halls of the Dwarves resound again with the din of hammer and anvil, and their masons craft the roads and buildings of Dale and Erebor with stones of many colours. The Men of Dale, now also called ‘Bardings’ in honour of their lord, the Dragon-slayer, provide the busy Dwarves with everything they need to sustain themselves, in exchange for the fruits of their exceptional stone and metalworking.   Since the killing of the Dragon, the Dwarves have ceased to be a wandering folk of exiles, and have undertaken great labours to restore the Kingdom under the Mountain. Its wealth and renown are rapidly growing, and seem destined to grow greater than before: new halls are dug, cavernous streets under the earth are adorned with pillars as numerous as trees in a forest, while superior armour and keen swords leave their smiths’ workshops in ever greater number. More Dwarves arrive every year from distant lands and join King Dain’s underground court.


Dwarves are an ancient and secretive race, whose customs and traditions are mostly unknown to outsiders. At the end of the Third Age, they are a proud but dwindling people, survivors from a distant past. Almost all Dwarves that can be encountered speak of themselves as belonging to ‘Durin’s folk’. They are probably the most redoubtable warriors in Middle-earth, hard to break or corrupt, but often at odds with other Free Peoples over old quarrels or new slights. Dwarves are short and stocky, with robust limbs and heads crowned with long hair and longer beards that give them their typically elderly appearance. They are long-lived, known to reach 250 years of age.

Standard of Living

With the fabulous Dragon-hoard of Erebor reclaimed and their Kingdom restored, the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain rank as a Rich culture.   Bonus Equipment: A fur-lined travelling cloak, travelling gear for the current season, a bedroll, an ornamented walking stick, a backpack, comfortable boots, 10d6 silver pennies, plus choose any two: another 2d6 silver pennies, a gold coin from the hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, artisan’s tools of your choice, a musical instrument, a fine beard comb and mirror, a gold ring, a flask of dwarven spirits.
Dwarf Traits Your Player-hero has certain traits deriving from your Dwarven ancestry.  
  • Ability Score Increase – Your Constitution score increases by 2.
  • Adventuring Age – 50 to 100. Dwarves generally start their life on the road in their fifties, and do not usually consider retiring before their nineties. Around that time, they feel they can no longer stay away from their family, or want to dedicate themselves solely to the perfection of their crafts. But Dwarves can remain active until they are more than two hundred years old, and may return to adventuring if a great need arises, like the opportunity to avenge an old insult or injury, or to recover a treasure or reclaim a long-lost dwarf-hold. A healthy Dwarf who avoids a violent death can reach 250 years of age.
  • Size – Dwarves generally stand between 4 to 5 feet tall and can weigh upwards of 160 lbs. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed – Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armour.
  • Night Vision (Dwarf) - Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dim conditions. You can see in Dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, but you cannot see in the dark.
  • Dwarven Resilience – You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
  • Dwarven Combat Training – You have proficiency with axe, hand axe, great axe, light hammer, and warhammer. Tool Proficiency – You gain proficiency with the artisan’s tools of your choice: jeweller’s tools, mason’s tools, miner’s tools, smith’s tools, or woodcarver’s tools. You also gain proficiency in one musical instrument of your choice.
  • Stonecunning – Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) ability check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Languages – You can speak, read, and write Dalish, which is the tongue of the Bardings, who speak an older version of the Common Tongue. You can also speak, read and write the secret language of your people, which has never been shared with any others.

Origin (Pick one)

As a Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain you must pick an origin of either Erebor or the Iron Hills.  


You belong to the line of Durin’s folk once native to Erebor, though you may have spent much of your life on the road, or come from the Blue Mountains in the West. Long accustomed to hardship, you’ve learned much in your time, but you’ve come home at last.  
  • Additional Ability Score Increase – Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Dwarven Toughness – Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
  • Road Wisdom – You may choose one additional tool proficiency of your choice.

The Iron Hills

You belong to the line of Durin’s folk that headed east to found a hold in the Iron Hills when Erebor was first reclaimed, before the coming of Smaug. Your people are great miners and stern warriors, with strong arms from long hours of breaking stone.  
  • Additional Ability Score Increase – Your Strength score increases by 2.
  • Tool for War – You have proficiency with the mattock.

The “Outer” Names of Durin’s Folk

  All Dwarves of Durin’s Folk receive a true name at birth that they do not reveal to members of other races. In their dealings with other people, they adopt personal names in the language of friendly cultures. The Dwarves of Erebor are no exception, and commonly use names after the fashion of the Men of the North. This custom has been in use for so long that a number of names have become traditionally associated with Dwarves, and are used almost exclusively by them.   Dwarves of renown are sometimes given a byname, usually an honorific title celebrating an exceptional deed or distinctive quality (for example, Thorin Oakenshield or Dáin Ironfoot).   Male Names: Ai, Anar, Balin, Beli, Bifur, Bláin, Bofur, Bombur, Borin, Burin, Bruni, Dáin, Dori, Durin, Dwalin, Farin, Fíli, Flói, Frár, Frerin, Frór, Fundin, Gimli, Ginar, Glóin, Gróin, Grór, Hanar, Hepti, Iari, Kíli, Lófar, Lóni, Náin, Náli, Nár, Narvi, Niping, Nói, Nori, Núr, Nýrád, Óin, Ónar, Óri, Póri, Regin, Svior, Thorin, Thráin, Thrór, Veig, Vidar.   Female Names: Dís, Hón, Kóna, Már.

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Dec 28, 2022 13:51

Hi. I just bought the books and I'm confused about the dwarf culture. It says that you get +2 to constitution and then that you have to choose origin. Iron hills gives +2 to strenght. Does this mean I get +2 to con and +2 to str? seems a bit too much compared to what other cultures get. Thanks in advance