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The Old Ford

The Great River is changeable. When rainstorms or snowmelt feeds its tributaries like the Rushdown, the river can quicken and become impassable save by boat or via the stones of the Old Ford. The dwarf-road crossed the river here, over a stone bridge of their making. In later years, the men of the North Kingdom made it greater to hasten the passage of their armies. The bridge is gone now, leaving only a few stones worn smooth by the water, among which rest the fragments of a broken statue of a forgotten king.   Until recently, the Ford was a haunt of bandits and thieves, who would demand payment from some travellers and rob others. Now, the Beornings guard the ford (and the tolls are high, but at least no-one is robbed). The Beornings have even begun the undertaking of building a new bridge over the Anduin along with watch towers to help guard the passing and keep it safe for all the free folk who wish to use it.

New Fellowship Phase Undertaking: Guard the Old Ford

  The Old Ford is the crossroads of Wilderland. A great many travellers pass through here every year, even in these dangerous and fearful times. Companions spending a Fellowship phase at the ford may help the Beornings in keeping the passage of the River safe, and maybe pick up gossip and news, make new friends, or possibly even get a few coins from crossing tolls.   You may elect to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check before rolling on the following table. If you are successful, roll with Advantage. If you fail, roll with Disadvantage. If you choose not to make the check, just roll 1d20 and consult the table below:   1 Bad News: The Ford is attacked by outlaws, wargs, or some other foe. You help in repelling the threat, but sustain lingering injuries. You begin the next Adventuring phase with 1 level of Exhaustion.   2-5 Nothing Useful: Long days of little activity are your only reward this time.   6-10 Good Traffic: You receive compensation equal to your Proficiency Bonus in gold pieces.   11-13 Busy Days: You earn gold pieces equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus.   14-15 Fruitful Activity: As 11-13 above, but you also gain Inspiration after meeting so many merchants and other travellers.   16-17 Rumours of the Road: As 11-13 above, but you have learnt something new about the Wilderland. In the next Adventuring phase, you may make one check due to a Journey Event with Advantage.   18-19 News from Afar: As 11-13 above, and you have heard all sorts of news and gossip. In the next Adventuring phase, you may make an Introduction check for an audience with Advantage.   20 A Chance Meeting: You encounter a potential patron (someone like Gandalf, Radagast or another wanderer). You may elect to engage them in an Audience. If you’re successful, then you may later undertake to gain them as a Patron.
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