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East Middle Vales

Pluck a stay-at-home Hobbit from his comfortable life in the Shire and drop him in the East Middle Vales of Wilderland, and — once he gets over the shock and has a revivifying cup of tea, some seed-cake, and a nice sit down — you will certainly hear him comment on how familiar this region seems to him. “A little unkempt”, he’ll say, “the grass needs cutting, the trees need a good trim, and you’ll have to do something about the roads, but it somehow reminds me of the Shire.” The East Middle Vales are a region of rich, fertile land. Green meadows and low rounded hills run from the River to the Forest. Vast fields of flowers blossom with a thousand vibrant colours in the summer, and there is good hunting in the woods come autumn.   Despite appearances, this is still the Wild. The land may be bountiful, but it is far from safe. Even under Beorn’s protection, the folk who dwell here must be stalwart and brave, for Orcs and other monsters often threaten to trespass.   The Vales are bounded by the Great River on the west side, Mirkwood on the east side. To the north is the Elfwood and the hard land of the Viglundings. The south edge of this region is undefined. Beorn’s territory once ended at the Old Forest Road, but now his followers have settlements many miles south of that. Where the Middle Vales end and the East Anduin Vales begin is a matter for debate between the Beornings and the Woodmen of Mirkwood.  


  The droning of bees and the chirping of birds is everywhere in the land of the Beornings. Huge bees as big as your thumb wander through the grasslands, looking for flowers. Foxes, rabbits, squirrels and other wild animals can also be found here in great numbers; the Vales are a profusion of life. These creatures are not tainted by the evils of Mirkwood. The squirrels of the East vales are fiery red, not the eerie black of their Mirkwood cousins. Unsurprisingly, many bears live in the thickets. They can often be seen ambling down to the Anduin to drink or to catch leaping fish. The Beornings consider the bears to be their kinfolk, and woe betide any man who wounds one. The Beornings keep cattle, sheep, and ponies; wild versions of these may also be encountered as they roam free. Beorn himself has a kennel of marvellous dogs, but there are few wild dogs in the region, and the wild wolves usually stay on the far side of the river.


The Vales are bounded by the Great River on the west side, Mirkwood on the east side. To the north is the Elfwood and the hard land of the Viglundings. The south edge of this region is undefined. Beorn’s territory once ended at the Old Forest Road, but now his followers have settlements many miles south of that. Where the Middle Vales end and the East Anduin Vales begin is a matter for debate between the Beornings and the Woodmen of Mirkwood.


The droning of bees and the chirping of birds is everywhere in the land of the Beornings. Huge bees as big as your thumb wander through the grasslands, looking for flowers. Foxes, rabbits, squirrels and other wild animals can also be found here in great numbers; the Vales are a profusion of life. These creatures are not tainted by the evils of Mirkwood. The squirrels of the East vales are fiery red, not the eerie black of their Mirkwood cousins.   Unsurprisingly, many bears live in the thickets. They can often be seen ambling down to the Anduin to drink or to catch leaping fish. The Beornings consider the bears to be their kinfolk, and woe betide any man who wounds one. The Beornings keep cattle, sheep, and ponies; wild versions of these may also be encountered as they roam free. Beorn himself has a kennel of marvellous dogs, but there are few wild dogs in the region, and the wild wolves usually stay on the far side of the river.
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