Pale Rider Caves

The Pale Rider Caves lie a short distance south of the Old Forest Road. The hills in this area are white and chalky. Old pits scar the surface of the hills, where the Dwarves and later the Northmen dug for making lime. Some forgotten tribe of Northmen cut the image of a horse and rider into the side of a green hill, and that landmark is visible for miles around.

At the time of the Great Plague, a cruel king ordered that all those infected with the sickness be driven into the caves and walled up, so their sickness might be contained within. The ghosts of the angry dead still haunt the caves, and the Woodmen say that the touch of a ghost brings the marks of the plague upon its victim.


The caves have been carved into the side of the chalky, rolling hills of the Eastern Anduin Vales.

Natural Resources

The caves were originally carved to harvest chalk, lime, and other minerals.
Location under