Siege of Carn Dûm Plot in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Siege of Carn Dûm

Allies across Middle-Earth assemble in Fornost-Erain at the behest of King Arveleg the First 20th King of Arnor. The Free Peoples plan to make war upon the Witch-King in his sanctum of Carn Dûm itself in the hellish region of Angmar. About T.A. 1300 Sauron's shadow became stronger and evil things multiplied, heralded by the reappearance of the Nazgûl.[1] The Witch-King of Angmar, the lord of the Nazgûl, was conducted by Sauron to gather evil men and creatures, and founded the realm in the lands north of the Ettenmoors and between the Mountains of Angmar and the Grey Mountains. Their sole purpose was destroying the fading Dúnedain of the North. Soon after Angmar was founded, it waged war against the divided Dúnedain realms of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. Rhudaur was the first kingdom to fall. Already in Rhudaur the Dúnedain were growing few, and an evil Hillman seized the kingship. This chieftain allied with Angmar, and they exterminated the few remaining Dúnedain in Rhudaur. Now under the Witch-King's control, the forces of Rhudaur and Angmar invaded Arthedain, killing Argeleb I, the king of Arthedain. However, with the aid of the armies of Cardolan, Arthedain managed to maintain a line of defence along the Weather Hills. Now reunited Angmar once again wages war against Arnor and the forces in the North now on the defensive.

Plot points/Scenes

Session 1: Rebellion in Rhudaur Session 2: Defense of Amon-Sûl Session 3: A Moonlit Council Session 4: Queer Creatures and Queerer Lodging Session 5: Journey to Fornost Session 6: A Faceted Muster Session 7: The Siege of Unumbered Tears


Corruption of Men Return of the Noldor Unification of Arnor Repetition of the Nirneath Arnoeidead

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