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Siege of Carn Dûm

Allies across Middle-Earth assemble in Fornost-Erain at the behest of King Arveleg the First 20th King of Arnor. The Free Peoples plan to make war upon the Witch-King in his sanctum of Carn Dûm itself in the hellish region of Angmar.

Around T.A. 1300 Sauron's shadow expanded and evil multiplied, heralded by the reappearance of the Nazgûl. The Witch-King of Angmar, the lord of the Nazgûl, was conducted by Sauron to gather evil men and creatures, and founded the realm in the lands north of the Ettenmoors and between the Mountains of Angmar and the Grey Mountains. Their sole purpose was destroying the fading Dúnedain of the North. Soon after Angmar was founded, it waged war against the divided Dúnedain realms of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. Rhudaur was the first kingdom to fall. Already in Rhudaur the Dúnedain were growing few, and the Hillman seized the power with the covert assistance of Angmar. Thus Hwaldar, the chieftain allied with Angmar exterminated many of the few remaining Dúnedain in Rhudaur in an event known as in the Sack of Rhudaur in which King Argeleb I was slain. Later the forces of Angmar were repelled during The Siege of Amon-Sûl in 1376 T.A. due to the intervention of the Fellowship of Renewal.   With the aid of the armies of Cardolan, Arthedain managed to maintain a line of defence along the Weather Hills. Angmar continued to wage war against Arnor and the forces in the North including the rising tide of Quendi.   Following the re-establishment of the Realm of Eregion under King Oromendero and the Reunification of Arnor under King Arveleg I a council was held in the city of Fornost-Erain to wipe out The Shadow of Angmar once and for all. A host of the Free Peoples was gathered including those of the Haflings, Dwarves, and the Fellowship of Renewal.   The land of Angmar is one of the grimmest places in all of Middle-earth. It is not black and twisted like Mordor, but heartbreakingly cold and barren It consists of two plateaus, the Nan Angmar (S. "Iron-home Valley") and the Angirith Shelf, one on either side of the main spine of the Hithaeglir, connected by the Angirith (S. "Iron Pass"). The region was accessible from The North Downs by traveling through the Ram Dúath, a range of winding canyons in the south-west of Angmar as was done so by the Host of the West prior to the Siege of Carn Dûm.   While the siege was successful driving out The Witch-King and dismantling the Realm of Angmar from its capital the cost was great. Known as the Massacre at Carn Dûm a large part of the casualties of this event stem from the Slaughter on the Angirith Shelf of nearly the entire army of Rhudaur and the majority of those sent by Cardolan by the traitorous Hillmen and frenzied Trolls of the North.

Plot points/Scenes

Session 1: Rebellion in Rhudaur Session 2: Defense of Amon-Sûl Session 3: A Moonlit Council Session 4: Queer Creatures and Queerer Lodging Session 5: Journey to Fornost Session 6: A Faceted Muster Session 7: The Siege of Unumbered Tears


Corruption of Men Return of the Noldor Unification of Arnor Repetition of the Nirneath Arnoeidead



Destruction of The Realm of Angmar. Defeat of The Witch-King. Death of Fourth Prince Cathändril and Lord Amrothar Death of Raimáro Aräval Oiomíril, father of Pilindur Oiomíril Death of Pilindur Oiomíril Death of Belegdur the Captain of Barad Thoron, father of Bragol Death of Bragol, the Magistrate of Occum, Captain of Dol Occum Death of Ergondil Forro, Son of the Lord of Eryn Vord, Captain of Tyrn Gorthad

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