Dol Girithlin Settlement in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Dol Girithlin

Dol Girithlin, the ancestral home of the lords of Dol Girithlin, is another of the mighty towers popular among the nobles of Cardolan in the years immediately preceding the Downfall of Númenor. Unusual for its heptagonal design, the citadel has been the scene of many sieges because of the perennial ambitions of the Girithlin family. The tower has generally resisted well, although it was taken by Annael, the first Canotar, in T.A. 1314. The damage wrought by this sacking has not yet been completely repaired on the lower floors, and it seems that the fire scars on the alabaster exterior are nearly beyond repair.


200 Noble Militia (S. Ethiron Ereter) 50 Noble Armies (S. Degerim Ereter) 30 Rangers (S. Feryth Aran) 5 Seargents (S. Bior) (W. Zhaisha)


GROUND FLOOR   Entrance: A semi-circle of broken black marble steps lead up to two wooden doors, each with a guard.   Left Door. Behind the wooden door are two sturdy portculli and an iron inner door. The portculli are operated from the guardroom. The inner door is barred from the inside where a guard is stationed.   Entrance Hall. The side walls are covered with tapestries depicting the great deeds of House Girithlin.   Guardroom. 22 guards and a sergeant are stationed here. Arrow slits command the adjacent hall and corridor, and the controls for the outer doors are set on the inner wall.   Sergeant's Quarters. The off-duty sergeant is not likely to be here, since all three have homes in town.   A Corridor then leads to the courtyard with a iron door barred on both sides which has 8 guards   Red Obelisk. 10' high, a memorial to the ancestors of House Girithlin near the Reflecting Pool. Fed by a small spring through two small fountains. The pool looks very deep, but this is an optical illusion; it is only 2.5' deep.   Ceremonial and Feasting Hall in which The lords of Girithlin have traditionally held court and feast.   SECOND FLOOR   Central Hall. Twin stairs descend from the third floor; five guards are stationed here entering the armory. Captain of the Guard's Room is adjacent.   Soldier Barracks and Castellans' Room. flank either side of the small library.   Veärnil's Bedchamber: Nominally only. In use when not in abroad, the furnishings are spartan. Echerion's Bedchamber: Nominally only. In use when not in abroad, the furnishings are ornate and pious.   BASEMENT   Storage Rooms and Pantries Main Kitchen
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