House of Finarfin Organization in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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House of Finarfin

The House of Finarfin was a noble house of the Noldor formed by the descendants and followers of Finarfin, third son of Finwë. A particular aspect of this house is that many had golden hair, due to their half-Vanyarin heritage. During the march on Aman, Finarfin himself repented when he heard the Doom of the Noldor and returned to the West with some of his followers. His children, led by Finrod, came to Beleriand, and that is why his House is also named House of Finrod. Finarfin did not come to Middle-earth, but his children were called collectively by the Sindar as "the children of Finarfin", in Sindarin Nost Finarfin ("the house/family of Finarfin").
Alternative Names
Nost Finarfin (S)
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