Lord Raimáro Aräval Oiomíril Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Lord Raimáro Aräval Oiomíril

The Swan-Lord

Lord of the Swan-Knights of of Minas Galanna and fierce devotee to the worship of Mandos and the preservation of Númenórean traditions Raimáro was oathsworn directly to the line of Elendil, making him one of the fifty six Ereter, the independent feudal lords of Arthedain. Because Raimáro guarded a long stretch of frontier, he has need of an unusually large number of soldiers; his treasury recieves a subsidy from the King to cover much of their expense. During the Siege of Carn-Dum Raimáro along with his eldest son and heir, Pilindur, his brother Belegdur the captain of Barad Thoron, and his second son Bragol, the magistrate of Occum and captain of Dol Occum all fell in battle about upon the hammers of the troll hordes of the north.
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