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House Oiomíril

House Oiomíril (W."Uimîr") (S. Orrómenyar) Oiomíril is, in sheer expanse, one of the largest fiefs in Arthedain; it includes the Weather Hills, the Midgewater Marshes, the village of Occum on the Men Formen, and the Nan Turnath lying between the hills and the North Road. Raimáro, its lord, ruled from the keep of Minas Galanna at the northern end of the Emyn Sûl. The citadel stands only fifty miles southeast of Fornost Erain, along the road to Amon Sûl. The feif also includes three smaller towers located along the ridge of hills, one every twenty miles: Barad Thoron, Barad Emer, and Barad Narn. They are connected by a military road, that runs along the eastern slopes of the Emyn Sûl. It lies atop a series of dikes and terraces, the Rammas Sûl, intended to deter raiders from En Eredoriath to the east.   The Weather Hills mark roughly the midpoint of the great basin of Eriador. They run some ninety miles northwest to southeast. The southmost and highest peak is Weathertop, which stands nearly a thousand feet above the plains. There is still sufficient grass on the hills for grazing sheep; small patches of woodland grow in the vales and catch-basins around the ruins of abandoned farms. Gypsum, flint, and onyx are found in the clefts and rock falls of the hills in small quantities; the remaining inhabitants still work a few small mines. Most dwell near the keep of Minas Galanna and the village of Occum on the Men Formen, well west of the hills. There are, however, scattered steadings among the Emyn Sûl wherever good water and farmland occur. Herdsmen and shepherds run their flocks over the rest of the country. The fiefs lord oversees the quarries and mines in the northern reaches. There remain less than a score of true Dúnedain in the entire fief of Oiomíril. The population of the vale of Minas Galanna and the majority of the people of Occum are Eriadoran commoners. The farm families of the hill country and Nan Turnath also stem from this heritage. The shepherds of the Emyn Sûl are primarily Dunnish, most of them rootless wanderers without homelands or clan ties.   16,000 soldier bear the responsiblity for patroling the borders of the fief. Because Oiomíril feif is large, all normal patrols are mounted, even though most of the Rhivilyr are trained as footsoldiers. Dol Occum and each of the three hill-towers house three hundred Tulkairim (infantry squads) 10 Men-at-Arms. Barad Thoron, Barad Emer, and Barad Narn each serve as home to some 500 who tend the towers' herds and gardens, as well defending the walls in need. The Tulkairim take turns running three day patrols through their sections of the fief. Minas Galanna is garrisoned by 300 Tulkairim of infantry and 100 of cavalry. At any given time, one third of these are on patrol; another third acts as castle garrison; and the final third occupy themselves with non-military duties.
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