Hill of Shame

Out of the flat tundra rises a misshapen hill, it is all lumps and bumps like a cancerous growth protruding from the ground. However, the grasses and heathers growing on its sides seem to be lush and vigorous. A damp cold mist clings to the place, which the gentle breeze seems unable to dispel, merely making swirling patterns as it passes through. At the top of the highest lump in the centre of the mass, dimly seen through the mist, is what seems like a small stone building.   Here lie the twenty thousand vanquished, sent to Hel by the dwarves of Erednimras, may she be pleased with the gift! May this hill stand as a warning to all goblin-kind to never again make war on the Dwarves, who are blessed with the strength of Thor and the wisdom of Odin.   The burial mound for the orcs who had died in the battle of Dwarves' Dismay.  

Player Notes

  • 20 years old
  • The burial mound of thousands of orcs
  • We recovered the Sword of Murdaz there
  • A dwarven monument called Dwarves' Dismay lays nearby
  • A dwarf called Barakor Thorden looks after the place.
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