Session 10

General Summary

The date is Saturday, 10th June

The time is 4:00 PM   Fyren speaks to Althaea about wizardry. She identifies his spellbook as magically protected from fire, water and ageing. Chi asks Varis about nearby geography.   We ask Althaea to decipher the symbols we found on a piece of bark at Olborg.   Anastaria is an evil spirit who dwells in the hills near Olborg. After the fall of the Gothi ~400 years ago, there was a war between dwarfs and goblins which greatly weakened both. Oldlief is a druid who lives in a swamp to the north of Skol.   Ask Althaea about the meteorite orb. It can be used in the construction of a powerful magic item. She could use it but it would be wasted on the kind of items she is capable of crafting. Anastaria or the dwarfs to the north are more likely to make the best use of it. She warns us it's highly valuable and to be more careful about what we tell about it.   In thanks for all her help, Fyren gifts the spellbook to Althaea. We head out.   At the market, we restock with arrows and such. Chi makes a map of the town and donates coppers to beggars.   Time to track down some goblins! We head off northeast through the evening. Peaceful night under the stars.  

The date is Sunday, 11st June

  Follow the tracks all day. The trail leads to some low hills called The Knolls. Perched on top of one in the distance, is a large, ruined, stone building. We wonder if it is Gothi in origin, and certainly makes an attractive hidey-hole for a band of goblins, which the goblin tracks lead to.   Fyren and Chi head off to scout and soon realise the place is crawling with Goblins and Wargs. We have a bold battle plan - all charge in and unleash hell. We clear the courtyard but some remain bottled up in a mostly-intact tower with Sigmund blocking them in. Massacre them too.   Find a scrap of vellum on the goblin boss but it's written in goblin. Find a few coins. Take the goblin heads to trade for Varis' bounty. Skin the wargs.   Search around outside the keep wondering if there is a further goblin track to more of them.  

The date is Monday, 12th June

  Travel safely back to Skol. Report to Varis. Hand in goblin heads, collect the bounty. Chi donates much of his share to the poor.   We ask Alathaea to translate the goblin writing: (Halflings live in Halfheim, a couple of days to the west of Skol)   Go to the pub, run by Johan and Freda and pay for food, drinks and accommodation for the night. Hear some grumblings about Varis' tax and that Alataea is a witch.   Mid-evening a band of travel-stained Halflings arrive. Fyren and Sigmund go and chat to them. They bring news of a tragedy on the road - an orc attack on some human travellers. They burned the bodies and brought a distinctive shield with a bow motif of Uller the Hunter, to see if anyone in Skol recognised it, to help identify the victims.

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Report Date
11 Jul 2019
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