Session 9

General Summary

The date is Wednesday, 7th June

  Sigmund opens a sarcophagus lid, drawing forth an angelic-looking spirit. It attacks him! Sigmund attempts to strike back and is dismayed to see his staff pass straight through the spirit without harming it. He backs off. The spirit remains in the vicinity of its sarcophagus. We pause to observe but things remain quiet.   Fyren sneaks through to peek at a shelf of books (in a careful, reverent fashion). They seem to mainly be historical records. There is something more significant, however:     Meanwhile, Idris checks for magical traps so as not to have any mishaps on the way out.   We also find a spell book and some spell scrolls, which Fyren takes. This encourages Sigmund to try again to open a sarcophagus, revealing a human skeleton - but again an angelic spirit appears and attacks him. After a time the spirit disappears and we replace the lid without incident.   Time to depart. Tinnan forgot about the magic traps and got blown up on the way out.   Go to investigate the main tomb above ground. The door is sealed. As Tinnan and Sigmund try to shoulder the door, the northern lights aurora blazes brightly in the sky (which is rare during the day) - a sign from the gods?!   Then round the corner arrives a "human" who challenges us for attempting to gain access. She claims to have been sent by Odin seconds ago to protect the tomb of the Gothi King. The flashing aurora was her crossing the Bifrost Bridge. She then steps straight through the door and vanishes.   Undeterred, Sigmund starts clearing rubble from the one remaining external tomb we haven't investigated. He clears enough to crawl through a hole and gets attacked by rats. Despite our best efforts to help him, he falls unconscious. We patch him up, and have a quick poke around finding some coins and spell scrolls but decide to leave these.   Tinnan realises there's a section of the southernmost building we never investigated. Three squirrels race off to look leaving Idris and Chi to replace the rubble and seal the tomb back up. Tinnan's insight reveals a hidden room filled with weapons and armour, some of which are magical and marked with the symbol of Hel. After some debate, Sigmund and Tinnan take them all.   Move a short distance away and make camp for the night. Spend some time examining the newly acquired items.  

The date is Saturday, 10th June

The time is 11:00 AM   Spot the smoke from many fires, we reach the town of Skol, built on an island in a river. Approach the town. Ask a fisherman for directions to a livestock market where we can sell the reindeer.   As we cross the bridge we are accosted by a girl who charges us entry taxes. It turns out there is no livestock market and we should take them to a nearby farmer instead. While we are in the market buy some herbs and spices for Media's vodka as requested. Leave Skol to find the the reindeer farmer (Fodel). Sell 6 reindeer. At Fodel's suggestion, go to Hogun's farm. Sell the other 5 reindeer.   Hogun has a job for us to do, to locate his missing dog Tucker who is probably away chasing rabbits. Dutifully go look for it. Find it dead, with a Goblin arrow sticking out of it. Spot tracks of 3 goblins heading north. Split up to see where goblins went and came from, in case of other victims. It seems they scouted closely to the town palisade and circled through the farmland - scouts? Return with the dead dog, poor Hogun in tears. He says we should tell Varis (ruler of Skol) about the goblins.   Head back into town and go find the huge, impressive fort in search of Varis. He is a hefty Half-elf. He insists on introductions and a round of ale before hearing our tale regarding goblins. He offers us a bounty per goblin killed. We then meet Varis' wife, Althaea. As visitors, they ask us to share any news of the region - Fyren mentions the meteor and the tomb.

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03 Jul 2019
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