Session 12

General Summary

The date is Friday, 16th June

  After a pleasant night in Wizard's Pantry, head to report to the halfling Thane. Meet him at Idun's Praise, some standing stones with religious significance. They are pleased we dealt with the trolls and showed ourselves to be honourable. Meet Jasmine Stroud, the halfling chief priest. There's an official welcoming ceremony and we are now honoured guests in Halfheim.   Bid halflings farewell and spend a long day's travel back to Skol. Quiet night.  

The date is Saturday, 17th June

  Go and see Farmer Fodel. He gives us the pack of reindeer and 500gp with which to purchase wood in Javik. He also pays us our wages (25gp each) in advance. We expect a journey of 6 days to reach Javik from Skol. Reach the fort where we fought the goblins and rest for the night.   After a couple of days see a huge reindeer herd migrating northwest. Continue another couple of days and reach a forested area. Start searching for tracks and signs of habitation to guide us towards Javik. Find it soon after - a small village within a wooden palisade, a couple of watch towers, and spiked stakes protecting the gate.   We're welcomed in and met by Goulthas Orson (blacksmith and unofficial leader of Javik). We warn him about goblin activity per Varis' instructions. He agrees that perhaps goblins have been more active around Javik too.   We also meet Ebenezer Stouttoes, a halfling wizard. He is in Javik following a centuries-old story of a female dwarf sorcerer and a hidden labyrinth supposedly somewhere in Pine Needle Forest. Also meet Katla Stormson, a keen goblin hunter.   Part of being a guest here is to take a turn on the watch. In the middle of the night, we hear an alarm horn blowing and a call to arms. The front gate is on fire and arrows are coming over the walls. Scores of Goblins are attacking! Katla is keen to go out and confront them. Gouthas prefers to hunker down.   The goblins remain shooting at range from the tree line, somewhat ineffectually thanks to the palisade. They taunt and sing. After about an hour they seem to lose interest and start heading off. We plan to track them to their base.  

The date is Sunday, 25th June

  Soon after, Katla returns covered in blood having despatched 5 goblin scouts she caught sneaking around. Gunnar Brimstein arrives at the camp, looking beaten up - he found a bear gully in the northern forest, a large white creature emerged and attacked, killing his companion Hosvi.   After patching him up, we get Gunnar to lead us to the bear gully. Find the remains of Hosvi. Search for tracks, they seem similar but different to the ice trolls.  
The gully is very flat but overgrown with ferns and heather, it leads to a cave entrance in the hillside which seems unnaturally symmetrical.
  Unknown to us we have just stumbled upon the entrance to Faern-Ol-Endar.   Start investigating the stonework, wondering if it's dwarven or maybe Gothi (it seems dwarven). We hear a huge roar and a strange creature comes barrelling out of the entrance - a Yeti ! We swiftly deal with it. All is quiet so we cautiously enter and explore.  
The entering sunlight reveals that the 10' wide tunnel is clearly crafted, the floor is paved with rough stone and the ceiling arches 15' overhead. Amid the moss and blown-in leaves, the floor of this chamber is littered with bones and broken bits of clothing and armour. The ceiling is 10' high at the edges, arching to 30' in the centre where it is held up by a single pillar of carved rock. To the north, high, narrow arrow slits guard a heavy wooden door. To the south, a narrow, bone-strewn passage leads off. On the eastern wall is a faded fresco of dwarves in battle, the faces of all the dwarves have been chipped away.
  Head to investigate the southern passage, which has yeti tracks in it.   This room is piled high with gold coins and objects (plates, cups etc.), a feeble looking Goblin guards the treasure.   We move to engage the goblin. It has piercing blue eyes like the yeti did. It somehow paralyses Sigmund and rends him mightily. Rest of us step in and deal with it, then patch up Sigmund. Tinnan gets a weird feeling that he should stay here and protect the treasure? The treasure turns out to be illusionary, confirmed by detect magic.   Start searching the place for hidden doors to no avail. Pausing for a rest turns out to be a bad idea - a goblin patrol happens by. We ambush them as they enter. It seems this is a goblin lair.

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24 Jul 2019
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