Faern-Ol-Endar (home-magic-cave)

Player Notes

  • Yeti cave is "unnaturally symmetrical"
  • Goblins lair here too
  • Dwarven built
  • Queen Almifrida is mentioned in the ruins.
  • Tomb of “Thurrorn Darkice, prince of Duergar, friend of giants”.
  • Eventually find a sarcophagus with an inscription:
  • Here lies Vishnah Coalheart, founder of Faern-Ol-Endar, sorceress, scourge of the Gothi.
  • Orc conversation: “If the yeti got our lads at the door, then who got the yeti? The pointy ears. I tell ya, there is more of them sniffing around, tracked their mate. Then why did they leave without him? Probably thought better of it after killing the lads in the main hall. Must have got scared off. My money is on the vermin in the stockade. These wolf paw goblins are cowards, if Rockfist were leading them they would have raised the outpost long ago and the orcs would rule this forest. Sharpfang is useless alright but he's following orders. Someone should challenge Fez, he's a half breed, not even half an orc. Rockfist? Or Boneeater.”
  • Queen Almifrida was a Gothi queen who lived here several centuries ago.
  • She was the queen who drove the dwarves from Faern-Ol-Endar
  • Vishnah Coalheart was a deurgar sorceress who fought the Gothi (and founded Faern-Ol-Endar)


  • Faern-Ol-Endar Level 1
  • Faern-Ol-Endar Level 2
  • Faern-Ol-Endar Level 3
  • Faern-Ol-Endar Level 4
  • Faern-Ol-Endar Level 5