Doraklli Character in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Doraklli (Dōr-ä-klē)

Lilia Bray


  Doraklli was 14 years old when she was killed. She was killed by { } when she went out to the road near her family farm at night, searching for a goat that escaped their pen. When she was crossing the road she was struck and trampled by a horse-drawn covered cart that was travelling very fast and also very quietly. The driver of the cart was a powerful magic user who brought her back to life as a Fleshwarp, giving her Oracle powers during the process. Their self-importance coupled with anxiety of having just committed murder, they did not try to find her family to return her. They renamed her Doraklli (poor humor twist of the word roadkill). They took over guardianship of her. While living with this person, she was under observation due to her Fleshwarp nature and Oracle powers, though treated kindly. Lived only with this other person and their animals.   Doraklli was born as Lilia Bray to mother Andra Bray. Andra is from Kintargo. She was in her late teens when she met, then soon beguiled, Ioseff. A pregnancy resulted from Ioseff and Andra’s hanky panky. Being a pregnant, unwed young woman made her marriage prospects nearly non-existent. Farmer Berton Weddle, from a distant village near the Murumrs, agreed to marry her. Lilia was born on his farm a few months after he and her mother wed. While not especially unkind, Berton usually kept Lilia at arm’s length. He and Andra went on to have three children: sons Aldred and Armin, and daughter Brenna. Berton was much more loving to his biological children, and showed favoritism to them, something Lilia and Andra noticed. Andra often encouraged her husband to treat Lilia like the other children, with mixed results.   On the night Lilia did not return from her chores, her stepfather and half brothers searched for her. Seeing just a little blood on the road near their farm, they presumed she was attacked and carried off by a large wild animal, or perhaps an orc, not an uncommon thing to happen in the rough environment their farm resided in. The Fleshwarping, while giving her Oracle powers, wiped her memory. Her unnatural return to life, coupled with her Oracle powers, gives her a pale complexion and pigment loss in her hair, giving it a dark gray color. Her eyes are an unnatural bright blue. Casual glances at her, one can briefly mistake her for a corpse or ghoul. She keeps well covered with long sleeves, long skirts/pants, and cloak to hide the parts where her bones protrude from her skin, and when her body slowly deteriorates upon use of her Oracle powers. She is generally a neutral, quiet, somewhat kind person. She still sometimes struggles with her tenuous balance between life and death. While hiding most of her form, she is not afraid to use her intimidating appearance when she deems it necessary.   She is unknowingly the half-sister of Cassondria.



half sister

Towards Doraklli



half sister

Towards Cassondria


Current Status
On a mission to clear out the old Xarwin Manor
Current Location
16 to 19
Cassondria (half sister)
Long, straight, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
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