Dr. Amalgam Character in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Dr. Amalgam (ä-mäl-gum)

Doctor Jec Amalgam


Dr. Jec Amalgam has been through a lot during the last war between the Feywardend and the elves of Arbonesse forest. He spent his time on the field of battle treating the wounded and hopefully not losing friends. He's learned some out of box wound treatments that are aggressive, but when successful can result in a very rapid recovery of his patients. There have been times in this half elf's life that were tough and he watched many friends die from excruciating wounds. Over time, the doctor has started to look at poison as a way to end a life quickly and painlessly.   In an attempt to get away from the death and chaos found on the northern border of the Magocracy of Allain, Dr. Amalgam traveled south. He met up with Vesemir during his travels along the coast. The two became good friends. As of late, Dr. Amalgam has joined up with a group of adventurers who seek to clean up a house which is infested with undead horrors.
Neutral Good
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