Basement Part 2 Report Report in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Basement Part 2 Report

General Summary

Start: The team is in the scriptorium and have just opened a secret door into a hallway of the basement.   Venturing into the basement hall Dora sees many 8-10 in round prints on the ground and find the backside of a secrete door across the hall. Inspection of the prints reveals they are large finger prints. Opening the newly found secret door reveals a medium sized wood statue, which turns and moans, sounding as though it were a large base recorder. The team spends a minute thinking about wood statues and wood golems. They prepare to fight the golem, but determine their only good fire offense is from Talos, otherwise they have torches. Dai opens the door and Talos fires a bolt of fire using Produce Flame, but they miss. Other try to hit the golem with the torches, but the improvised weapon is difficult to wield and they miss as well. Dai takes a hit from the golem, and then he closes the door ending the fight. Fortunately for the team, the golem is programed to only prevent anyone from passing through the door and will not leave the room it's in. The team is safe from the golem for now.   Talos and Dora venture down the hall turning the corner. They see a set of double doors to the north, but they also see two 5-ft undead hands at the end of the hall, 50 or so feet away. They start combat by launching an arrow into them. The combat in the hallway is intense with Dai and Dr. Amalgum stepping forward to tank while those behind shoot the hands with arrows and magic. Dai is knocked out by one hand while the other hand is taken down by heavy magic blasts. This allows Talos to move into to a flanking position. While Dr. Amalgum tends to Dai's wounds, Talos stabs their rapier into hand causing it to fall dead.   The team takes a 20 minutes breather tending to wounds and recovering some magic. After the break they search south and find a set of double doors leading west. Dora approaches the doors and knocks. The door is answered by an alien creature who goes by the name Ixirizmid. Ixirixmid, called Ixi by the team, invites Dora and team to tour his lab. He claims to be tending to the lab since Ioseff Xarwin left years ago. Dora persuades Ixi that she is now the new owner and wants to inspect the quality of the lab without his presence. Ixi is led out the doors to the north of the lab and the team loots the lab.   Feeling as though they are out of good spells and have limited resources, the team heads back to Crook Cove to review the new information they acquired from the lab and interview their brain in a jar, Faldur Adenathy, now that they have a mouth piece for it.

Rewards Granted

  1. A collection of books and papers on anatomy, surgery, and unethical experiments. These grant a +1 item bonus to Recall Knowledge checks on these topics.
  2. A speech module for a brain in a jar
  3. Expanded alchemist's tools
  4. A pair of mysterious goggles
  5. A spare lens for the Starless Scope

Character(s) interacted with

The team met Ixirizmid, an alien moss creature. During their discussion the team asked about the reproductive habits and process of Ixiriximid's species. Ixirixmid, being a highly intelligent being, gave a very dry and technical description of some of the reproductive process of its species. Not all details were provided, but general information such as needing a micro-organism on a specific planet to duplicate.
Malevolence Campaign
Report Date
22 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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