Jonathan Graves Character in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Jonathan Graves

Jonathan Graves is an eccentric old wizard who once lived in Zobeck. He was once an adventurer, but has since retired and is now the financier to various adventuring parties. In addition, Jonathan sustains a good relationship with the Margreve Forest by helping to protect it, and by visiting his good friend Leafhair Rootglum at the Bluebell Inn.


Several years ago Jonathan retired from adventuring. He had spent several years in the Margreve Forest helping the small villages and farms in the area stay safe from trickey fey and animals searching for food. In that time Jonathan traveled throughout the Margreve and visited several of its key locations. He knows of various tricks to move quickly to and from each of the hearts in the Margreve and how to find Baba Yaga's hut when needed.


During his time helping those in need in Margreve, Jonathan met Leafhair Rootglum. Leafhair and Jonathan were about the same age, and both were interested in protecting the Margreve and helping people out. Jonathan left his first adventuring party to join up with Leafhair and take on new quests, which were more directly associated with the flora of the Margreve. After several years, Jonathan's age started to catch up with him. At that time he helped Leafhair build the Bluebell inn. Jonathan helped Leafhair run the inn for several years, but he missed helping the Margreve.


Several years ago, Jonathan moved to Zobeck and started a small firm which hires adventures to take on quests to help the Margreve. Not long after starting the firm, Jonathan was compelled by the Margreve to raise a young Bugbear, he named Bugsy. Raising a child was a challenge greater than he had previously experienced in his years of adventuring. He required additional help to continue managing the Graves Adventuring firm; hence he hired Terelsa Garlook.


In the last two years, Jonathan died, but was brought back to life. It was only because of the strong druid magic of Leafhair and the support of the Margreve that Jonathan is alive today. He has retired from being a champion of the Margreve, and settled down with Leafhair at the Bluebell inn. The last set of adventurers he hired have become the new champions of the Margreve.

Neutral Good
Current Location

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Character Portrait image: Mage by Nathan Park


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