Margreve Forest Geographic Location in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Margreve Forest

The ancient forest known as the Margreve lies north of Zobeck and the Magdar Kingdom, and south of The Greater Duchy of Morgau. It's a massive stretch of land covering approximately 70,000 square miles, or about the size of North Dakota or Oklahoma. The age of the forest is unknown, but it's believed to have been old when the gods were first created.


Leading north from Zobeck through the Margreve is the Great Northern Road. This road is the main path for trade out of and into The Greater Duchy of Morgau with the southern half of Midgard. Along this road are several griffon towers to provide protection and inns for weary travelers. This includes the Bluebell Inn. Nearly any item, magical or otherwise, is available along this trade route.

Localized Phenomena

A forest of this age has developed a mind and personality of its own. The speed of thought is generally incomprehensible to most, but those with a strong connection to the forest have a sense of what the forest is thinking and feeling. This can also be seen when the forest guides adventurers by moving trees and shrubs to create a clear path of travel, or in some cases block the path and surround them.


The forest is sensitive to magic. Abjuration magic may reinforce the trees, shrubs, and grasses resulting in more difficult brush to clear if a party is trying to hack its way through. Healing magic will cause grass and weeds to grow tall around the recipient and those healed temporarily have spots of bark form on their skin. Evocation magic may be enhanced or damped by the Margreve depending on its attitude of the adventurer. A damped fire spell may affect a smaller area as the vegetation releases moisture into the air to cool the fire. A darkness spell may be enhanced as the canopy overhead closes in to expand the area of effect.


Control of the Great Northern Road or tapping into the magical energy of the Margreve is something desired by ambitious entrepreneurs. Most recently, an organized group of shadow fae nearly took control of one of the hearts of the Margreve, but the newly appointed Champions of the Margreve drove the shadow fae back and defeated their moth monster.


Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Characters in Location

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Cover image: by Julia Metzger


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