Weddle Family Organization in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Weddle Family (Wed-del)


Berton Weddle once owned and ran a small farm about a day's travel north of Crook Cove. The farm consisted of several sheep, pigs, and goats, with a small garden. Berton married Andra Bray, Doraklli's mother in 4709. The couple raised two girls, Lilia Brey and Brenna, and two boys, Aldred and Armin. Lilia Brey, later known as Doraklli, was concieved prior to Andra meeting with Berton.   About two years ago, in spirng of 4720, Lilia was lost in the forest. Berton and the boys looked for her for several days, but they could not find her.   In the last year, as of summer 4721, several undead and monstrosities, seeminly from another world, have been raviging the area of the farm. Berton, died in 4721 defending the farm from the monstrosities leaving Andra, the two boys, and the youngest daughter. Armin has taken on the role of defending the farm from the undead and other odd creatures.  


In spring of 4722, Doraklli returned to her family home along with Flesh and Scales, and Cassondria to retrieve her proof of birth. Andra informed Doraklli that Armin had gone missing a few days prior to their arrival. Doraklli and the adventuring team rescued Armin from the neighbor who had claimed to be protecting the local area by using necromancy to raise dead farm animals and humanoids after they had been killed by the strange monstrosities.   With Armin safely returned home and the necromancer neighbor stopped, the Weddle family farm only have to work to keep their home safe from strange monstrosities.

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