Arachnae Lunaris Queens

The Queens of the Arachnae Lunaris, known as "Lunar Matrons," are regal and ethereal figures that embody the pinnacle of the species' connection to the moon's energies. Larger and more intricate in design, their velvety black exoskeletons are adorned with silver patterns that cascade across their forms like moonlight. These formidable beings possess heightened moon-kissed perception, using their multifaceted eyes to guide the colony with wisdom and grace. Revered as the heart of the colonies, the Lunar Matrons wear regal, overskirt-like webs that elegantly drape from their thorax down to the ground, parting in the center as they move, creating an enchanting and dignified presence. These queens play a pivotal role in reproduction, only mating during the rare occurrence of the Twin Void Revelation, fostering the colony's continuation with their role as caretakers of both Dreamweave Silkflowers and the delicate balance of Midgarden's mystique.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive cycle of the Lunar Matron queens is a pivotal and sacred occurrenceThis essential endeavor culminates during the rare celestial event known as the Void Eyes, where the queens are driven to procreate.During the Void Eyes, which transpires when two void moons grace a single month, the Lunar Matron uses her innate magical gifts to select male spiders from her colony. Chosen for their exceptional weaving skills, these males participate in a courtship dance guided by the queen's mystical influence. Upon the completion of this ritual, fertilization occurs, setting in motion a transformational journey that lasts from the first void moon to the second.

   As the second void moon approaches, the queen gathers her carefully nurtured eggs, which have been incubating within her silk chamber. She then places these precious eggs within the Dreamweave Silkflowers, where they continue to develop, absorbing the moon's essence during the subsequent void moon phase. The cycle concludes as the eggs hatch during the next void moon, ushering in the new generation of Lunar Matron spiders.

Remarkably, the birth of new queens is a rarity, occurring only once every 25 years during the blood moon. Within each brood, 2 to 5 new queens emerge. One of these queens inherits the throne, assuming the mantle of leadership from the current Lunar Matron. The others embark on their own paths, either seeking new homes to establish their colonies or finding their place within existing ones. This intricate process is a testament to the Lunar Matrons' role as custodians of their colony's future, intricately woven into the delicate fabric of Midgarden's enchanted woodlands.

Growth Rate & Stages

The initial hatchling phase sees them emerging from their eggs as delicate and miniature versions of their future selves. During this stage, they are particularly vulnerable and reliant on the protection and guidance of the current Lunar Matron. As they progress through the growth stages, their bodies begin to adapt to their roles, gaining in size and physical strength.

The adolescent phase marks a period of rapid development, where they experience significant growth in both stature and magical abilities. It is during this time that they solidify their connection to the moon's energy, honing their innate magical talents that will serve them as leaders and protectors of their colony. The culmination of their growth sees them attain their regal and imposing Lunar Matron form, embodying both wisdom and authority.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lunar Matron queens consume a diet of small creatures that inhabit their woodland realm. These may include insects, small rodents, and other creatures that venture into their territory. This sustenance provides them with the necessary nutrients to support their size, strength, and the energy required to wield their inherent magical abilities.

Lunar Matron queens have been known to partake in a diet that includes the occasional adventurer. Those who unwittingly encroach upon their territory may find themselves in a perilous situation, as the queens fiercely protect their colony and realm. While this occurrence is infrequent, it serves as a reminder of the queens' authority and their role as guardians of Midgarden's delicate balance.


The queens prioritize the development of future generations, dedicating their attention to nurturing the young queens that will eventually succeed them. This mentorship is conducted with a delicate balance of guidance and freedom, allowing the emerging queens to forge their own paths while instilling in them the reverence for their responsibilities.

While overseeing their realm, the queens exhibit a strong sense of guardianship. They periodically patrol the meadow, carefully weaving intricate webs that allow them to maintain a vigilant watch over their surroundings from their silk chamber. This strategic placement of webs enables them to stay attuned to the pulse of their colony and the movements of the creatures within their domain, ensuring the safety and harmony of their mystical environment.

Additionally, the queens assume a proactive role in safeguarding their colony's well-being. They monitor the worker spiders' activities, ensuring that there is a steady supply of food and resources to sustain the collective.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the Lunar Matrons revolves around a well-organized hierarchy, with the Lunar Matron at its pinnacle. These remarkable spider queens are the embodiment of wisdom, strength, and innate magic. Their role is not limited to reproduction; instead, they serve as spiritual guides and protectors of their colonies, empowered with inherent magical abilities that enhance their guardianship. As guardians of Midgarden's enchanted woodlands, the Lunar Matrons possess innate magical talents that contribute to the protection of their colony.

Beneath the Lunar Matron's leadership, the colony comprises the male spiders, which are also the worker spiders. These individuals are crucial to the colony's functions, tending to the Dreamweave Silkflowers, weaving intricate silk structures, and gathering food. Their tireless efforts sustain the well-being of the entire community. During the rare Void Eyes event, the queen selects a limited number of males to mate with, ensuring the continuity of the Lunar Matron lineage. The Lunar Matrons' involvement in the upbringing of their offspring is limited to guiding the future queen, marking the culmination of their nurturing efforts.

Facial characteristics

The Lunar Matrons possess a striking facial composition that seamlessly blends their spider lineage with delicate humanoid features. Their eyes, though multifaceted, possess a mesmerizing depth that conveys intelligence and emotion. Positioned on their faces with an almost symmetrical arrangement, these eyes create an intricate pattern that complements the silver moon-phase markings on their exoskeletons, adding to their captivating allure.

Their pedipalps, situated near their "chin," enhance their facial symmetry and hint at human-like proportions. Adorned with star-like glistening markings, these pedipalps contribute to their ethereal appearance. While their mouths retain arachnid functionality, their overall facial structure exudes elegance, embodying both their majestic leadership as Lunar Matrons and their otherworldly beauty. This distinctive combination of features showcases their alluring presence within the enchanted woodlands, where the Lunar Matrons guide their colonies and ensure the balance of Midgarden's delicate ecosystem.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Arachnae Lunaris Queens inhabit the enchanting woodlands of Midgarden, where the unique Dreamweave Silkflowers grow. These woodlands are hidden and mystical, often illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight and shrouded in an air of magic. The queens and their colonies are intricately woven into the fabric of this enchanted environment, forming an integral part of its delicate balance.

The queens establish their colonies near the sacred groves where the Dreamweave Silkflowers flourish. These groves are found in remote and hidden corners of Midgarden, connected to the moon goddess's presence. As guardians of these groves and their vital floral companions, the queens ensure the survival of the entire ecosystem, creating a harmonious relationship between the spiders, the flowers, and the moonlit woodlands. Additionally, the queen herself weaves a chamber from her silk in the nearby woods, a majestic dwelling that serves as both her sanctuary and a focal point of the colony's activity. This silk-woven chamber stands as a testament to the queens' craftsmanship and connection to the Dreamweave Silkflowers.

Average Intelligence

The Arachnae Lunaris Queens possess an average intelligence that is remarkably advanced for their species. Their intelligence is on par with some of the more intelligent creatures of Midgarden's enchanted woodlands. This heightened cognitive ability allows them to fulfill their role as leaders of their colonies, make strategic decisions to protect their domain, and maintain the delicate balance of their ecosystem. Their ability to understand their surroundings, manage the symbiotic relationship with the Dreamweave Silkflowers, and provide guidance to their offspring contributes to the overall harmony of Midgarden's mystical world.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Family: Arachnidae Genus: Arachnae Species: Lunaris
27 - 32 Years
Average Height
0.91 - 1.2 meters (3 - 4 ft)
Average Weight
40 - 50 kilograms (88 - 110 lbs)
Average Length
1.83 - 2.13 meters (6 - 7 ft)
Average Physique
The Arachnae Lunaris Queens possess a robust and sturdy physique that is well-adapted to their role as leaders and protectors of their colonies. Their bodies are characterized by a strong exoskeleton that provides both protection and structural support. This exoskeleton is adorned with intricate silver patterns reminiscent of the moon's phases, further enhancing their majestic appearance.

These queens are equipped with eight well-muscled legs, each ending in sharp and agile pedipalps that aid in weaving intricate silk structures and manipulating their surroundings. While they cannot fully walk on water due to their size, their legs are equipped to repel water, allowing them to navigate through damp environments with relative ease. Additionally, their unique physique allows them to stand bipedal if desired, further enhancing their stature and presence.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Lunar Matrons possess an enchanting and regal appearance, characterized by a deep and velvety "Verdant Umbral" body tint. This unique coloring sets them apart, offering a visual harmony with the woodland realm they call home. The glistening silver patterns, akin to the moon's phases, embellish their exoskeletons, weaving an intricate tapestry of ethereal marks that accentuate their celestial nature. These mesmerizing silver patterns are gracefully dispersed across their bodies, resembling the stars that punctuate the night sky. The fusion of their "Verdant Umbral" coloration and the celestial markings creates an awe-inspiring visual
Geographic Distribution
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