Arachnae Lunaris

The silk spider, known as Arachnae Lunaris, is a mesmerizing arachnid species that dwells in the enchanting woodlands of Midgarden. Standing out with its velvety black exoskeleton adorned by silver patterns akin to the moon's phases, the silk spider measures a mere 2-3 cm in length. Its remarkable ability lies in the production of the ethereal dreamweave silk, spun from its abdomen's specialized glands. This delicate luminescent silk serves as both a testament to the spider's craftsmanship and its unique relationship with the rare dreamweave flower.

Found exclusively near the dreamweave flower's blossoms, the silk spider's intricate webs encircle the stems and petals of these flowers. This serves the dual purpose of safeguarding the precious blooms and granting the spider an elevated vantage point to capture insects drawn to the flower's sweet nectar. With its multifaceted eyes attuned to the moon's soft glow and its keen sense of vibrations, the silk spider is a testament to the delicate balance of Midgarden's ecosystem. The intertwined existence of the silk spider and the dreamweave flower highlights the intricate web of connections that define the mystical world they inhabit.

Basic Information


The Arachnae Lunaris exhibit a mesmerizing physical design, with a body structure that perfectly melds elegance and utility. These spiders possess eight delicate yet sturdy legs, arranged in a symmetrical pattern around their elongated body. Each leg is comprised of several segments, allowing for flexible movement and precise control. Their limbs are endowed with intricate articulations, supported by an internal skeletal structure that blends resilience with finesse.

Beneath their exoskeleton, the Arachnae Lunaris harbor a complex muscular system that powers their agile maneuvers and silk production. Their body's form supports efficient energy transfer, with powerful muscles interwoven to facilitate both stealthy locomotion and the swift creation of intricate dreamweave silk webs. At the front of their body, these spiders feature two multifaceted eyes.

Biological Traits

The Silk Spider, Arachnae Lunaris, is a captivating arachnid dwelling within the enchanting woodlands of Midgarden. With a velvety black exoskeleton adorned by silver patterns mirroring the moon's phases, the spider's appearance is nothing short of mesmerizing. Agile and graceful, its eight legs are equipped with delicate, water-walking hairs, allowing it to navigate across water's surface. Multifaceted eyes adapted to the moon's glow grant exceptional night vision, while its acute sense of vibrations aids in both hunting and web protection.

A true marvel of nature, the Silk Spider's specialized abdominal glands produce ethereal dreamweave silk, a luminescent material of extraordinary craftsmanship. This silk forms the basis of the spider's intricate webs, which encircle the stems and petals of the rare dreamweave flower. The flower's dew provides the spider with essential nutrients, while simultaneously luring insects into its webs. Guided by the moon's influence, the spider enters hibernation during void moons, and it's during blood moons that queen silk spiders are born, shaping the course of their colonies and reproductive cycles. The intertwined existence of the Silk Spider and the dreamweave flower serves as a testament to the delicate balance and interconnectedness of Midgarden's mystical ecosystem.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Arachnae Lunaris possess a fascinating reproductive process. Reproduction initiates with a unique courtship ritual, where a select group of male spiders, up to ten in number, create mesmerizing silk patterns adorned with luminescent markings. These ethereal displays resemble constellations in the night sky, serving as both a showcase of the spider's skill and an offering of devotion to the potential mate.

Upon a successful courtship, the sole female, known as the Queen, lays her eggs within the protective cradle of the Dreamweave Silkflower's petals. These delicate eggs, tenderly nestled within this sanctuary, find security under the dual watch of the flower's enchantment and the collective vigilance of the spider colony. The gestation period, marking the profound intertwining of lunar and earthly forces, aligns precisely with months that host two void moons within a single lunar cycle. As the final void moon approaches, an event known as the "Void Eyes," the eggs hatch, marking the emergence of the next generation of Arachnae Lunaris.

During this pivotal event, the Queen bestows life upon up to 100 new spiders. This extraordinary phenomenon, a celebration of life's cyclical renewal, symbolizes the intricate relationship between the celestial and earthly realms. The young spiders, guided by their innate moon-kissed perception, swiftly integrate into the communal life of the colony.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg Stage: The spiders' lifecycle begins as the Queen lays her eggs during the Void Eyes, a time when two void moons grace a single month. These delicate eggs are carefully nestled within the sheltering petals of the Dreamweave Silkflower, where they remain protected and nurtured. This period lasts for the duration of a lunar cycle, from the first void moon to the next.

Hatchling Stage: As the Void Eyes culminate, and the second void moon graces the skies, the eggs hatch, ushering in a new generation of Arachnae Lunaris. The young spiders, known as hatchlings, are born with a fraction of the moon's radiant glow, a reflection of their mystical nature. Guided by their moon-kissed perception, they swiftly integrate into the communal life of the colony.

Maturation Stage: The young spiders transition into their maturation stage, developing both physically and in their connection to the moon's influence. As they grow, their bodies undergo structural changes, enhancing their agility and dexterity. Their multifaceted eyes become more attuned to the moon's gentle glow, granting them a heightened ability to perceive their surroundings and the arcane forces that course through the woodlands.

Adult Stage: With the maturation process complete, the spiders enter their adult stage, marked by the pinnacle of their moon-kissed perception and mastery of their ethereal abilities. Their contribution to the colony becomes multifaceted, encompassing roles such as weaving intricate dreamweave silk webs, protecting the sacred Dreamweave Silkflowers, and engaging in the unique symbiosis that sustains Midgarden's harmony.

Elder Stage: In the latter stages of their 1-2 year lifespan, the spiders transition into the elder stage. During this time, their connection to the moon's energy deepens, and they pass on their accumulated wisdom to the younger members of the colony. The transitions between life stages mirror the ebb and flow of the moon's phases, underscoring the Arachnae Lunaris' intimate bond with the celestial forces that guide their existence.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Arachnae Lunaris sustains itself through a diet primarily composed of the insects drawn to the alluring nectar of the Dreamweave Silkflowers. With the delicate luminescent silkwebs they weave, the spiders create an intricate network that captures these insects, which become a vital source of sustenance for the colony. The spiders' silk, aside from its role in constructing protective barriers and communication, serves as a masterful tool for ensnaring prey.

Guided by their heightened moon-kissed perception, the spiders detect the subtle vibrations in the air as insects approach the Dreamweave Silkflowers. With keen precision and agility, they navigate the intricate web network, ensuring its stability while also using it to trap their prey. The captured insects are swiftly immobilized by the silk's ethereal properties, becoming nourishment for the Arachnae Lunaris.

The Arachnae Lunaris, in preparation for the upcoming hibernation periods, exhibit a remarkable strategy by storing excess food resources. To ensure the colony's sustenance during the dormant months when their primary food sources are scarce, the Arachnae Lunaris wrap and cocoon the captured insects using their silk's unique properties. These silk-bound parcels are then carefully transported and stored within well-protected chambers near the Queen's sanctuary. The Queen herself safeguards these precious food reserves, her role as a guardian extending beyond the protection of the colony to include the preservation of its sustenance. This strategic approach to food storage highlights their collective wisdom.

Biological Cycle

The Arachnae Lunaris' biology is intricately attuned to the passage of time and the shifting seasons within Midgarden's enchanted woodlands. As the moon's phases wax and wane, these spiders exhibit remarkable adaptability. During the winter months, coinciding with the New Void Moon and a period of reduced lunar presence, the Arachnae Lunaris enter a state of hibernation. Their metabolism slows, allowing them to conserve energy and endure the colder temperatures. This dormancy reflects their connection to the cyclic rhythms of their habitat, underscoring their ability to synchronize with Midgarden's enchantment.

With the arrival of the Vibrant Moon, when the moon is at its fullest and most radiant, the Arachnae Lunaris emerge from hibernation, embarking on a period of heightened activity. This cyclical shift from dormancy to vitality aligns with the ebb and flow of Midgarden's magic. Their biology serves as a living testament to the delicate dance between the celestial forces, the passing seasons, and the mystical essence that defines their existence in the enchanted woodlands.


Raised by the male spiders while the Queen safeguards the colony, these spiders exhibit a cooperative and nurturing communal structure. Young spiders are cared for by their male guardians, who instill a sense of unity and responsibility within the colony. This upbringing encourages the development of strong bonds and a collective sense of purpose among the Arachnae Lunaris.

Within their own species, intricate communication weaves through the colony, facilitated by a combination of silk-based signals and moonlit dances. The mature spiders, guided by their heightened moon-kissed perception, exhibit a strong sense of empathy and cooperation. Mutual respect is extended throughout the colony, fostering an environment where each spider's contribution is recognized and valued. Guardianship is a shared responsibility, with male spiders assuming roles in both nurturing the hatchlings and maintaining the intricate dreamweave silk webs that sustain the colony.

In the face of predators, the Arachnae Lunaris display an impressive array of defensive mechanisms, woven together with the finesse of their silk threads. When threatened, they orchestrate synchronized movements, utilizing their multifaceted eyes to maintain vigilance and assess potential dangers. Their silk, beyond being the foundation of their webs, serves as a versatile tool for ensnaring threats or constructing protective barriers. The spiders' heightened perception enables them to detect predatory vibrations in the air, allowing them to adapt their movements and responses to evade capture. This intricate dance of survival is mirrored in their relationship with predated species. The dreamweave silkwebs not only ensnare the insects drawn by the alluring Dreamweave Silkflower but also create a delicate ecosystem that supports the intricate balance between predator and prey in the enchanted woodlands.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Within the enigmatic world of Arachnae Lunaris, a complex social structure emerges, intricately tied to their symbiotic bond with the Dreamweave Silkflower. These spiders form colonies that function as intertwined communities, each revolving around the safeguarding of the precious flowers that sustain their existence. The colonies consist of several silk spiders, working collaboratively to create the intricate webs that protect the Dreamweave Silkflowers. These communal efforts extend beyond mere survival, embodying a sense of unity that resonates with the enchanted woodlands they call home.

At the heart of this social structure lies a protective harmony, where the spiders contribute to the vitality of both their fellow arachnids and the delicate flowers. Each spider plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of their ecosystem. The colonies, often presided over by queens with their unique roles, mirror the broader web of connections in Midgarden, where spiders and flowers alike are woven together in a harmonious tapestry. This web of communal efforts and protective guardianship serves as a testament to the profound interconnectedness that defines their world.


While Arachnae Lunaris are not domesticated creatures by nature, their mystique has drawn the curiosity of skilled adventurers and alchemists who have attempted to capture these spiders along with their companion Dreamweave Silkflowers. The endeavor, however, remains a challenging feat, as the delicate balance of their symbiotic relationship defies conventional attempts at containment. The spiders' intricate needs, intertwined with the ethereal qualities of their habitat, prove formidable barriers to domestication.

What further complicates such aspirations is the fact that the Dreamweave Silkflowers, sustaining solely within the sacred magical groves, wither and wilt once removed from their native soil. Their fragile existence, integral to the survival of the spiders, underscores the inseparable connection between the two species. This inherent dependency ensures that the enchantment of the Arachnae Lunaris and the luminous bloom of the Dreamweave Silkflower can only flourish within the confines of the revered groves.

Rumors speak of a solitary witch who, against all odds, is said to have achieved a rare success in nurturing and studying the spiders and flowers within a controlled environment. This remarkable feat, if true, is whispered about in hushed tones among those who dare to tread into the enigmatic realm of Midgarden. The unattainable allure of understanding and harnessing the magic of the Arachnae Lunaris and their Dreamweave Silkflower companions continues to tantalize the minds of those who seek to unlock the secrets of their intertwined existence.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Woven from the delicate yet astonishingly sturdy silk spun by the Arachnae Lunaris, an array of exceptional creations emerges, bearing witness to the artisans of Midgarden and the inherent marvels of the realm. Dreamweave silk fabric, graced with a luminescent sheen and an ethereal texture, embodies the intricate artistry of the weavers. Coveted for its distinctive qualities, this fabric is transformed into elegant garments, ornamental tapestries, and captivating accessories. The fabric's remarkable capacity to absorb and reflect moonlight imbues it with an otherworldly radiance, casting a captivating aura during evening gatherings and celebrations.

A testament to their deep connection to the moon and the natural world, these garments are often worn by Aetherians and, at the most exquisite of occasions, by Blóðsuga. These carefully crafted garments symbolize their reverence for the celestial forces that shape Midgarden's mystical harmony. Beyond fabric, the silk spiders contribute fine, glistening threads that artisans value for their magical properties. These threads, steeped in Midgarden's mystique, elevate crafted items to objects of wonder, allowing explorers of magic and creativity to infuse their work with a touch of the mystical.

The exceptional properties of the Arachnae Lunaris extend their influence to the realm of alchemy, where their essence holds a unique and potent allure. Alchemists, drawn to the mysteries of Midgarden's flora and fauna, have harnessed the innate connection these spiders share with the lunar forces. Through skilled manipulation, they weave the essence of these beings into potions, resulting in brews infused with the gifts of enhanced night vision and heightened agility. These elixirs, cherished for their role in the art of stealth and discretion, grant adepts of the shadows an undeniable advantage in the realms of espionage and subterfuge. Additionally, the spiders' exquisite webs, brimming with magical essence, become prized components for the creation of some of the most potent binding spells known to the realm, exemplifying the versatility of their influence within the mystical arts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The geographic distribution of the Silk Spider, Arachnae Lunaris, is intricately tied to the presence of the Dreamweave Silkflower. These captivating spiders inhabit exclusively the locations where the rare flower blooms within the enchanting woodlands of Midgarden. Just like the Dreamweave Silkflower, the spiders do not spread beyond these sacred groves, ensuring their symbiotic connection and the preservation of their delicate ecosystem.

These mystical groves, hidden in the most remote and moonlit corners of Midgarden, serve as the perfect environment for both the Silk Spiders and the Dreamweave Silkflowers to thrive. The connection to the moon goddess and the secretive rituals known to few, such as the Aetherians, make these groves a treasure trove of enchantment. For those who manage to venture into these moonlit forests and encounter the Silk Spiders and their luminous silk, it becomes an experience both otherworldly and magical.

Average Intelligence

The Silk Spiders, Arachnae Lunaris, possess an innate and instinctual level of intelligence that aligns with their natural behaviors and survival strategies. While not possessing human-like intelligence, they exhibit a degree of cunning and adaptability in their interactions with their environment, such as crafting intricate webs, hunting for prey, and responding to lunar influences. Their behavior showcases a kind of intuitive intelligence that serves them well in their enchanted woodland habitat.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Arachnae Lunaris possess a captivating array of perception and sensory capabilities that resonate with their mystical nature and role within the enchanted woodlands of Midgarden. With their multifaceted eyes, these spiders possess a remarkable gift of vision that transcends human comprehension. Their eyes enable them to perceive a wide spectrum of light, from the gentle shimmer of moonlight to subtle shifts in ambient energies. This heightened visual acuity not only aids in their movements but also allows them to detect vibrations in the air and on surfaces, serving as an invaluable tool for hunting and navigating their intricate surroundings. Their perception extends beyond the physical realm, granting them glimpses into the magical and ethereal planes, attuning them to the ebb and flow of arcane energies that course through their mystical habitat.

Beyond their extraordinary vision, the Arachnae Lunaris possess a unique form of extramundane sensing that can be described as "moon-kissed perception." This innate sensitivity to celestial forces allows them to attune to the phases of the moon and the fluctuations of cosmic energies that influence Midgarden's enchantment. This connection to lunar forces enhances their understanding of their environment, granting them an almost prescient awareness of natural phenomena and the intricate web of life that binds their world together. This moon-kissed perception serves as a testament to their role as stewards of the enchanted woodlands, where their senses become a bridge between the earthly and the celestial realms, embodying the harmony that defines their existence.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Arachnae Lunaris and the Dreamweave Silkflower share a profound symbiotic relationship that weaves through the heart of Midgarden's enchanting woodlands. Through an intricate dance of mutual cooperation and interdependence, these two beings exemplify the delicate balance of nature's tapestry.

The spiders, masterful weavers, create intricate webs that elegantly drape around the stems and petals of the Dreamweave Silkflower. In return for their protection, the spiders gain an elevated vantage point to capture insects that flock to the flower's sweet nectar. The captured insects become a vital source of nourishment for the spiders, fostering their growth and vitality. Simultaneously, the spiders' vigilant presence helps shield the flower from potential harm, creating a harmonious synergy that safeguards both species. The Dreamweave Silkflower, with its enchanting fragrance and vibrant petals, attracts insects to its web of enchantment. The spiders' delicate silk traps these insects, transforming them into nourishment. Moreover, the flower captures dew on its surface, offering a nutrient-rich liquid that the spiders use to supplement their diet. This intricate exchange of sustenance and protection weaves together a testament to the interconnected web of life in Midgarden, where nature's balance is both delicate and divine.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Family: Arachnidae Genus: Arachnae Species: Lunaris
1-2 Years
Average Height
10 - 12 cm
Average Weight
3 - 5 grams
Average Length
20 - 25 cm
Average Physique
The Silk Spiders, Arachnae Lunaris, possess a delicate and graceful physique that complements their mystical nature and role within the enchanted woodlands. Their form, characterized by an elongated build, is designed for agile movement and crafting intricate dreamweave silk webs. This balance between form and function allows them to navigate their environment with finesse, showcasing their remarkable adaptation to their unique ecosystem.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Arachnae Lunaris embody a celestial and ethereal aura through their mesmerizing appearance. Their exoskeleton shimmers with a seamless blend of deep black and rich blue hues, reminiscent of the infinite expanse of the night sky. This enchanting color palette forms the backdrop for their most captivating feature – the glistening marks that adorn them. Resembling the distant stars that adorn the heavens, these intricate and alluring patterns scatter across their exoskeleton. These markings possess a luminescent quality that creates a magical interplay of light, casting an otherworldly glow that captures and reflects the gentle moonlight, enveloping the spiders in an almost mystical aura. The combination of their cosmic coloration and starlit patterns paints a vivid picture, perfectly suited to their role within the enchanted woodlands of Midgarden.
Geographic Distribution
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