
star Goddex "stjarn" translates to star and "ulf" means wolf suggesting the connection between the stars and the night sky

Divine Domains

Stjarnulf, Goddex of the stars, holds sway over the celestial realm, presiding as the divine guardian of the night sky. Their divine domain, known as Fagurdustr. Within this ethereal sanctuary, cosmic dust weaves tapestries of radiant nebulae, forming a divine haven amidst the celestial symphony. In Fagurdustr, the Goddex oversees the mysteries of the cosmos, adorning the firmament with celestial constellations that tell tales of creation and destiny. Followers of Stjarnulf, known as the Aldritýnd, seek solace under the ever-watchful gaze of Stjarnulf, believing that in the vastness of the night sky, they are never truly lost.


Hjartasteinn, a celestial amulet of unparalleled radiance, holds a profound origin within the divine forge of Myrkurnótt. Crafted with meticulous care during the creation of Stjarnulf, the amulet was presented as a heartfelt gift, symbolizing the bond between deity and parent. Infused with the essence of cosmic energies, Astra's Embrace not only graces its wearer with enhanced vision in the darkest of nights but also serves as a conduit for Stjarnulf's celestial power. As a token of Myrkurnótt's love, the amulet's shimmering gem is a manifestation of the very first stars that Stjarnulf brought into existence, a perpetual reminder of the goddex's cosmic genesis and the eternal connection between parent and child.

Stjarnstråle, crafted by the Goddex themself, after witnessing the demise of their first dying star. Stjarnstafr is a luminous tribute to the celestial event that marked the end of one cosmic cycle and the beginning of another. Infused with the essence of that fading star, the scepter serves as both a symbol of remembrance and a tool for immortalizing the brilliance of dying stars in the night sky. When wielded, Stjarnstafr not only draws constellations but also emits a soft radiance reminiscent of the departed stellar being, honoring its memory and eternalizing its cosmic glow within the fabric of the universe. As a relic born from the union of creation and celestial mortality, Stjarnstafr becomes a beacon of celestial artistry and a reminder of the cyclical nature of the cosmos and all things.

Himinsrúnir, are intricately carved symbols crafted by Stjarnulf to unveil cosmic truths and provide glimpses into the future. Each stone bears the unique markings of ancient constellations, their arrangement holding the key to unlocking celestial insights. Stjarnulf, in a moment of divine inspiration, created these stones to serve as a conduit for communicating with the vast expanse of the cosmos. The Himinsrúnir are often consulted by followers and seers seeking guidance, their celestial patterns revealing prophecies and divine messages encoded within the stars. As a revered tool of divination, these stones become a bridge between the mortal realm and the cosmic mysteries, allowing the Aldritýnd to navigate the celestial currents and seek the wisdom of Stjarnulf.

The Nebula's Resonance Harp, a creation of one of Stjarnulf's mothers, Ljósdagur, produces otherworldly melodies that resonate with cosmic energies, manipulating starlight for illusions, calming skies, or creating portals to Fagurdustr. Eitralla, a harp crafted by Ljósdagur at Stjarnulf's creation as a gift. This ethereal harp, woven from the essence of a distant nebula, produces melodies that resonate with cosmic energies. When played by the skilled hands of Stjarnulf, it becomes a conduit for manipulating starlight, creating celestial illusions, calming turbulent skies, or even opening temporary portals to Fagurdustr. As a creation of Ljósdagur, Skýskrapaharpa symbolizes the harmonious bond between parent and deity, and its hauntingly beautiful tunes echo the cosmic lullabies sung by the gods themselves. In the hands of Stjarnulf, the harp becomes both a tool for cosmic manipulation and an instrument that enchants and captivates all who hear its celestial melodies.

Holy Books & Codes

The holy books and codes dedicated to the worship of Stjarnulf, collectively known as "Stjarnrunor," which translates to "Star Runes," incorporate the celestial wisdom found in the intricate Himinsrúnir runes. These sacred texts are not only repositories of prayers, hymns, and interpretations but also house the symbols of Himinsrúnir, believed to hold profound cosmic truths. The discovery and interpretation of these runes have given rise to differing factions among the Aldritýnd, each offering distinct perspectives on the celestial messages encoded within the night sky. Some factions focus on the prophecies, seeking to unveil glimpses of the future, while others emphasize the ethical teachings embedded in the runic patterns. As followers interpret and decipher the Himinsrúnir, debates and discussions arise, fostering a rich tapestry of interpretations that reflect the diversity of beliefs within the worship of Stjarnulf.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbols and sigils associated with Stjarnulf often center around celestial motifs, stars, and cosmic patterns. A prominent symbol is the "Stjarnálmur," or "Star Compass," a radiant eight-pointed star representing the guidance and reach of Stjarnulf's influence in all directions.

Additionally, the "Nebulruna," a stylized representation of a cosmic nebula, signifies the ethereal and ever-expanding nature of the deity's celestial realm. This symbol is often used in secret iconography and serves as a mark of initiation into deeper mysteries.

In honor of the first constellation, a celestial wolf brought to life by Stjarnulf, the sacred symbol known as "Vargr's Veðr" is embraced by the Aldritýnd. This symbol depicts a majestic celestial wolf, and it signifies both the loyal companionship between Stjarnulf and their celestial wolf as well as the divine connection between the deity and their followers. Vargr's Veðr is often used as a representation of guardianship, loyalty, and the primal cosmic forces embodied by the celestial wolf. Followers may wear amulets or inscribe this symbol during rituals, and it stands as a visual testament to the divine bond between Stjarnulf and the celestial wolf companion.

Followers of Stjarnulf may incorporate these symbols into common rituals, inscribe them on holy artifacts, or use them in private devotions. The constellations mentioned in the Himinsrúnir may also serve as sacred symbols, each representing a unique aspect of cosmic wisdom. These symbols, whether displayed openly or hidden, serve as a connection to the divine and a visual language through which the Aldritýnd express their devotion and understanding of Stjarnulf's celestial teachings.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Guidance through Stars: Followers adhere to the belief that the stars are not only celestial bodies but also guides, offering insights and direction in navigating life's journey. Seeking guidance through celestial observation is a sacred practice.
  2. Eternal Bonds: The belief in eternal connections underscores the Aldritýnd's relationships. They view bonds forged in the mortal realm as reflections of celestial connections, and the concept of family extends beyond blood to include cosmic kinship.
  3. Interpretation of Himinsrúnir: Followers value the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom encoded in the Himinsrúnir runes. Interpretation and contemplation of these symbols are encouraged, fostering diverse perspectives and a deeper understanding of cosmic truths.
  4. Communion with Stjarnulf: Devotees believe in establishing a personal connection with Stjarnulf through prayer, meditation, and celestial observation. Communion with the deity is seen as a path to enlightenment and divine guidance.
  5. Celestial Rebirth: The belief in the cyclical nature of existence and the promise of celestial rebirth. Followers find solace in the idea that, like stars in the night sky, life continues in a cosmic dance, with each phase bringing new possibilities and opportunities for growth.


Stjarnblót, a joyous festival, occurs during the peak of meteor showers. Taking place on the last day of the month Stjarnblad, marking the end of summer. During this event, followers gather under the night sky, offering prayers and engaging in communal stargazing, celebrating the cosmic artistry of Stjarnulf.

Vargrfesting, a sacred ritual, is a profound religious experience that unfolds when a follower reaches a certain level in their practice. During this ritual, the devoted follower ventures into the woods to meditate in communion with nature. The climax of the ritual occurs when the individual is chosen by an animal companion believed to be blessed by Stjarnulf. The chosen companion becomes a sacred guide, marking a transformative step in their spiritual journey.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Stjarnulf doesn't adhere to rigid goals but embodies a spirit of cosmic spontaneity and creative revelry. Their divine pursuits revolve around the continuous act of crafting ephemeral wonders in the night sky, be it new constellations, fleeting celestial events, or whimsical cosmic phenomena. Delighting in chaos and freedom, Stjarnulf aims to inspire mortals to break free from constraints, explore individual paths, and contribute uniquely to the ever-unfolding cosmic narrative. The goddex champions the principles of celestial harmony and encourages followers to find joy in the perpetual celebration of life, existence, and the enchanting dance of the stars. Stjarnulf's divine essence is centered on fostering wonder, guiding mortals through subtle influences in the night sky, and perpetuating a sense of awe in the vastness of the universe.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Stjarnulf's foremost virtue lies in their ability to offer subtle cosmic guidance. Mortals and celestial entities alike find inspiration and direction in the patterns of the night sky, a divine gift from Stjarnulf. Stjarnulf excels in weaving harmonious connections between celestial elements. Their ability to balance the night sky with constellations, planets, and cosmic phenomena reflects a profound understanding of cosmic harmony.

Vices & Personality flaws

Stjarnulf's perpetual wanderlust and fascination with the unknown occasionally lead to transient attention spans. This may result in unfinished cosmic projects or sporadic bursts of inspiration that shift focus swiftly. The playful spontaneity that defines Stjarnulf's behavior can sometimes lead to interventions in mortal affairs. While well-intentioned, these interventions may disrupt the natural course of events. Due to their cosmic perspective, Stjarnulf may struggle with fully grasping mortal concerns. This can inadvertently lead to a perceived indifference, as they prioritize the cosmic order over individual mortal matters.

Personality Quirks

A playful tic manifests in the subtle twinkling of their eyes, reminiscent of distant stars, expressing amusement or joy. In moments of deep contemplation, their fingers instinctively trace ethereal constellations in the air. A whimsical quirk emerges when they playfully arrange shooting stars into patterns, creating fleeting celestial artworks that linger in the night sky for attentive mortals to decipher.


Family Ties

Myrkurnótt crafted Stjarnulf as a gift of radiant beauty for Ljósdagur. Stjarnulf's purpose unfolded in the vast expanse of the cosmos, as they adorned the night sky with the brilliance of stars, a gift to illuminate the cosmic darkness.

Within the divine family, Stjarnulf stands as the firstborn, sharing the galaxy with two sisters and two brothers. Lunara, the moon goddess, graces the night sky with her silvery glow, creating a celestial dance with Stjarnulf. Somnia, the goddess of dreams, weaves ethereal tales that unfold in the minds of mortals as they slumber, connecting the nocturnal realms of Stjarnulf and dreams.

Among the brothers, Sólgeir, the god of the sun, radiates warmth and light across the universe, a counterpart to Stjarnulf's nocturnal brilliance. Aegirnir, the god of oceans, embraces the realm of Midgarden, where mortals and animals dwell. Together, these siblings orchestrate a cosmic symphony, their realms intertwining in an intricate dance across the galaxy. The divine family, bound by the threads of creation, shapes the very fabric of the divine order, with life and death, light and darkness.


Stjarnulf's gestures are fluid, shaping constellations and communicating through ethereal hand symbols.  In moments of joy, the night sky twinkles with meteor showers, and in times of contemplation, the distant stars seem to dim. Stjarnulf's presence is calming, a steady force in the ever-changing cosmos, offering subtle guidance to those who navigate the vastness of the celestial canvas. Their behavior is infused with playful spontaneity that surprises and delights, inspiring awe and joy.

Hobbies & Pets

Stjarnulf's love for storytelling takes the form of weaving cosmic narratives through constellations. Each starry arrangement in the night sky is a chapter, a tale told in celestial patterns. Followers gather to interpret these cosmic stories, finding guidance, inspiration, and reflections of Stjarnulf's divine essence in the twinkling lights above.

Skjólferð, the celestial wolf companion, holds a special place in Stjarnulf's cosmic heart. The story of Skjólferð began on Midgarden during a visit with Ljósdagur. Encountering a sick wolf, Ljósdagur informed Stjarnulf of its imminent death. However, moved by the creature's beauty, Stjarnulf couldn't bear to see it go. Overwhelmed with emotion, they wept over the wolf, unknowingly imbuing it with the essence of the stars. The wolf transformed into glittering celestial lights, freezing its wolf form in stardust. Skjólferð, now a celestial being, became Stjarnulf's constant companion. Its name is a combination of "Skjól," meaning shield or protection, and "Ferð," meaning walk or journey.


In the quiet realm of the stars, Stjarnulf's communication takes a form more akin to celestial ballet than spoken language. Stjarnulf themselves, existing beyond the boundaries of vocal expression, weaves tales through intricate hand symbols and celestial drawings.




Towards Stjarnulf




Towards Somnia




Towards Stjarnulf




Towards Lunara




Towards Stjarnulf




Towards Sólgeir




Towards Stjarnulf




Towards Ægirnir


Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Creating and maintaining the stars
Current Location
Year of Birth
12 6195 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
a gift from Myrkurnótt to Ljósdagur
Somnia (Sister)
Lunara (Sister)
Sólgeir (Brother)
Ægirnir (Brother)
a dark void with glittering lights resembling the night sky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A deep, dark shade of blue with swirling colors of pink, purple, and green similar to nebulas. Their skin has a luminous sparkle to it.
1.58m or 5'2"
64.41kg or 142lbs