Birch Bear Woods

Depending on where you are traveling wihin the Birch Bear Woods, the feeling can vary from pleasant to freightening but either way you are quite safe within the forrest. While there are both volves and bears in the area, neither are known to approach travelers or attack them. Some say it's just beacause they live in other parts while others claim that the forrest is blessed by the Spirit Clans.   As you travel deeper into the forrest the trees stretch higher and the sun slowly dissapears into the canopy. The only road is the one traveled to Starhome but it is merly a dirt path that almost dissapears during rain seasons and the winter. Traveling north you find Starpeak Mountain, the largest mountain in the Empire. As you get closer mists forms at your feet as the cold air from the mountain drifts down along the ground.

Fauna & Flora

The Birch Bear Woods consists mainly of birch trees with some oak trees. The forrest is old and has many naturally felled trees in scattered throughout the forrest. The trees have grown large and they take many years to break down with with mushrooms and other plant eating flora.   The forrest also contains large amounts of herbs that grow in the shadow of the trees, including poppy which is a main ingredient for health potions. However, most of the ground is covers by small flowers and grass that has no real alchemical use but it provides the otherwise dark forrest with some color and serves as food for the animals.   There are a lot of birds living in the tree canopy and they have no real predetor, only the amout of food limits their growth. On the ground lives loots of smaller creatures such as rabbits and boars but also deers and moose. While they thrive on the rich amout of flora beneth the trees there are both volves and bears hunting them.