Crimson Lions

The Crimson Lions are prideful warriors who have dedicated their life to the cause of driving back the forces of the lower planes. Once one of the greatest forces on the material plane, now the legions work alone, separated from each other onto different continents. But for one of the Crimson Lions that does not matter. Once you choose to don the armor of Lions, the legion becomes your family, your armor becomes your home. The soldiers rarely carry children but orphans of war are always taken under their wings.   The Crimson Lions have always stood as a beacon of hope, an army ready to die on the battlefield to defend their world and drive back demons and devils. The Legions have never had affiliation with any of the other guilds or nations, instead they stand alone with their focus on their missions. The Crimson lions always stand ready in case an army threatens the land but they don't move against criminals or rebels. The fault of man is not what concerns them but the threat of the gods armies.


The Crimson Lions formed during the great war of gods in the great city of Kirnborg when armies of demons where marching through the countryside around the city, pillaging and killing. Many of the mercenaries and guards within the city did not approve of just waiting for the demons to come and defend the city. Led by Auria, an aasimar warrior gathered the soldiers and formed what would be called the 101:st legion, for the original 101 soldiers. Not much is know of what happened but many stories where told by villagers, The legion coming to their aid and without hesitating cleaving through hordes of demons before moving on. As the stories spread many more joined them all from across the continent. Their numbers growing larger by the day the Crimson Lions where formed and their legions controlled from Kirnborg.   As their numbers grew the 101:st still stood as the strongest. The legends of their exploits started to goat more demons to them as as they came they fell one by one. Soon even the demons started to fear the 101:st legion. As a lion upon a red banner waving in the wind where approaching, they could see the soldiers marching underneath, with the sun glaring off their armor. It was said that once the sun was upon you, you could never get away.   In the year 3585 the Crimson Lions would suffer their greatest defeat. In the city of Kirnborg, a massive rift to the elemental plane of earth opened up and as it did, mountains split the city in pieces and elemental flooded out and destroyed the city. The Crimson Lions now stood without their home city, and the connection between the legions broken. As time went by some tried to rebuild and once more create order and structure for the legions but none had the strength. All those who had maintained the connections to the legions where dead and the legions where unaware of exactly what was going on.   Since the great loss the legions have kept their mission in focus, to drive back the demons and devils, but now working without guidance from a central command. Many battles have been won but many have been lost, their numbers and strength decreasing.
Founding Date
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Sons and Daughters of War
Training Level