Lolth (loʊlθ/ lolth)

Queen of Spiders

Lolth is the chaotic evil god of the Abyss. Known as the Queen of Spiders, she rules the demotic plane through her brood, devouring any intruders the gets stuck in her demotic web. She has few followers even within her own plane of existence as she devours and toys with both those who worship her but also her own brood. Her dark tendencies are well known throughout the world but there are still great factions of drow who follow her will within the Midranor, slowly spreading her influence beneath the surface.   Within the Abyss is the home of Lolth, the demonweb where the great brood of her spiders live. They work tirelessly on expanding the web until they collapse, get eaten and replaced. Even her most devout followers and long time soldiers would face this end she simply would have a bad day. As such, all followers takes great care to observe her mood and constantly try to appease her.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations