Sarenrae The Everlight

Sarenrae is considered to be the definition of compassion and forgiveness. In the darkest parts of the world she enters and shine a light which no darkness can quench. She believes that even the worst of both devils and demon can be redeemed by the light. Many of her stories tell of how she turn demons into angels and stop great battles with her mere presence and the calm nature that surround her.   She is said to be an angel with amber skin and long long silver hair. Her body is draped in a long white robes and her wings shine brightly surrounding her in a light.   Her followers are commonly healers and pacifists that works in temples or as travelers. Some see out conflicts and wars with the aim of saving those that have suffered due to the effects of battle. There are no grand temples or places of worship as her followers do not seek out wealth.

Divine Domains

Sarenrae is the godess of light and life. Her plane of existence is the lands of Arcadia.
Divine Classification