The battle of the dead

Disaster / Destruction


During the autum of 1235 the city of Starhome was attacked by the necromancer Aymond. There were battle in the streets for over a week as soldiers and adventurer's tried to liberate the city from the grasp of the necromancer and his hordes of undead. During the evening of the second of Rend a final push was made against the necromancer in which he was killed. The town was struck by a massive loss but finally reclaimed the city.

The city of Starhome was not aware of the battle to come. Beneath the city streets hid the necromancer Aymond preparing to launch an assault upon the city building up a force of undead. In the streets were adventurers looking for the necromancer to claim the bounty of his head but most of them were not aware of the danger he posed.   In the middle of the night during the 22 of Kold the battle begun. Aymond had prepared several traps in the outskirt of the city to prevent the townsfolk from fleeing and assaulted the population, capturing as many as he killed. Many rushed to fight the necromancer but few even put a dent in him. The black swordsman Yami was the only adventurer who manged to fight Aymond on equal level, but was still brought down due to ghouls swarming him. This however gave a large part of the townsfolk a chance of escape.   Escape out of the city was not trivial. There were ghouls in the streets hunting down what they saw, chains hung up between buildings, blocking the roads and finally zombies giving a fight to the local militia preventing an organised escape. However, Aymond had accounted for people still escaping and had left a ticking time bomb, the plague of Torog The Crawling King. As the people got put of the city and tried to organize how to survive and get a message out they were all infected by the plague and died within a few days.   There were still those who survived outside the city that had not been infected but no message ever left for Gloomhaven. The reason was that the smaller groups assumed that it had already been done and they did not have the provisions to make the journey. There was a priest in the city that could send messages magically to Gloomhaven but Aymond was aware of that and had killed the priests first.   During the following days those who survived went into hiding as Aymond took full control of the city and started to raise an army of the dead. There were still people who wanted to fight and those became the Starhome Liberation Force. They created hideouts in the city and tried to chip away at the army of the undead, as well as freeing those that Aymond had captured. As they try to fight many of the soldiers are killed and only a handful of townsfolk are saved. The only truly succesful saving mission was when the Templar order came to kill Aymond. While the their fight was going on the Libiration force was able to save a lot of townsfolk but in the end Aymond still remained in power.   On the first of Rend was the beginning of the end. The adventurer's of Diando, Edrat and Kenai arrived in the city and realized what had happened. They sent for help and proceeded to search for more information about what had happened. On the second of Rend, Edrat traveled into the city discovering both Aymond and the Starhome Liberation Force. They made a plan of attack and executed it the same evening.  

It was the second of Rend when we fought for our home. The blossoming trees had shed their leaves not for winter but for the souls that had passed away. The sky was lit up with stars telling us to go forward into the night. Our breath were forming into clouds in the wind as we walked into the streets the undead. Their heads turning to us shouting a most foul sound. These had been our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mother and fathers. But now all that remained was the shell of who they once were, all we could do is put them to rest. Shouting at the top of our lungs we charged into the undead hordes, calling them all to come. If we were to die here we would die with honor.

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