
Adamantine is an extremely hard, black metal. In its finished form, adamantine metal reflects a clear green sheen under candlelight, and purple-white under magical light. Adamantine weighs as much as steel. It is ferromagnetic like steel, and vulnerable to a rust monster's grasp.   Unprocessed adamantine, termed adamant by some sages, is hard but brittle, and unsuitable for use as a weapon. It has a glossy black appearance, and has the unique property that reflections seen in it glow with rainbow edges. Once it has been cooled, adamantine cannot be deformed or bent by mundane means. Weapons made from adamantine do not dull or chip with use.


A major use of adamantine is in the construction of weapons and armor. Due to its high price and the difficulty of working the metal, adamantine equipment is almost always worked by a master craftsman.