The Gambler's Blade

Made for Jeryn Landelar, a vigilante who once fought crime in Rosavel. Jeryn died in 1192 and left clues as to where his blade would be. He intended for someone truly as savvy and sharp as he was to wield it. Hergood Bladebrew found it and now wields it. (made in 1043)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Created with the Gunnel Rune, which imbues the weapon with effects specific to its wielder.   The Gambler's Blade was made for a man who lived a very risky life. Thusly, Gunnel imbued the weapon with an enchantment befitting of its wielder. The blade produces random elemental and arcane effects when it makes contact with its target.

Manufacturing process

Graford Obsidian was sent to the glass blowers of Genneyonne. They used a special melting process and infused the obsidian with adamantine, making it incredibly light while also making it durable.    As a special touch, Gunnel fused a six sided die into the pommel.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
Related Technologies
Related ethnicities
One of a kind
7 lbs
38 inches
Raw materials & Components
Obsidian, Adamantine , Rune Enchantment