
What began as the excavation of a strange asteroid that crashed into the valley south of Dholrum in 751 eventually evolved into a thriving community. Guild interest in the impact sites was high, and it increased greatly after a second asteroid impacted in 1241.  


40% Misc 30% Dwarf 20% Human 10% Tiefling


Cinder has a heavy guild presence, but technically has a leader in Sarracell Pendelen. Sarracell is the overseer of Cinder, directing the city and acting as a leader. There is an unspoken agreement between the guilds and Pendelen that she must abide by the guild's rules and cater to their needs. The people have a great respect for Pendelen, as she does all she can to meet the requirements of her citizens without inciting conflict with the guilds.  


The city has little in the way of unified defenses, as it is under guild protection. There are few foolish enough to incite the wrath of the The Guilds of Volagvoros.

Industry & Trade

Cinder's most profitable exports are the ores found within the craters,Vara Vel Iron and Gleam Ore. It also exports various other ores from separate mines beneath.   Their main import is labor.


The structures nearest the 756 impact site are largely dwarven, as they were the first to begin the mining of the crater. Those beyond the radius of the site are human made. Cinder gradually became a popular destination for settlers as the meteor melted the snow with its radiant heat, creating a small spring oasis among the snowy mountains that surround it (which is where the settlement got its name).

Guilds and Factions

Many of the The Guilds of Volagvoros inhabit the city. The main 3 are The Thornhart Assembly, Harlen Syndicate and The Bronze Covenant.


Those who visit Cinder for pleasure do so for tours of the 756 impact crater, the warm oasis setting, or for business. Cinder is the last location in Western Costrana in which the Wiltoft Merchants are allowed to exist.


The city rests in a valley, made green by the head of the Gleam Ore and the meteors themselves. Surrounding it is a vast tundra, backed by snow capped mountains easily visible from the city.

Natural Resources

Several natural springs can be found in the city, so fresh water is hardly an issue. There are also hot springs, which the townspeople have capitalized on for profit.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Cog Badhir
Location under
Related Materials
In Cinder, prisoners are more often rehabilitated than executed. The justice system places a strong emphasis on helping its captured criminals to turn them back out onto the streets. Those who can't be reformed are relocated to the Cinder Asylum. The Noxvale Concord advocates for the use of magic in the rehabilitation process, but the city has opposed it.
Cinder Hold