The Guilds of Volagvoros

Volagvoros is a city run by its guilds. There are 7 in total, each of which has been a part of a 250 year power struggle. Many have been feuding for generations, and some have even forgotten the reason why. Many are greedy and eager to overtake the others at any time, but like in any group, there are good ones with noble intentions as well.  
The Bronze Covenant    The Covenant attend to city upkeep and diplomatic affairs, but wield a powerful military force. They are also a guild compiled of those who wish to keep the balance in the city of Volagvoros. The Covenant will often work in the shadows to ensure that one guild does not become more powerful than another, intercepting artifacts, forging paperwork, and doing whatever it takes to keep the city in a state of peace.    
The Duskrunners -   The Duskrunners deal in medicinal herbs and potions. The massive growth and harvest cycle leads to a massive influx of profits. They also often act as messengers in Volagvoros. They are often neutral, as most guilds use their services    
  Harlen Syndicate -   It's no secret that the syndicate deal in shady business around the city, but who doesn't? They run casinos, horse tracks, and other entertainment in Volagvoros. They also deal in shipping and trading all across Western Costrana and beyond. It's rumored that they are also in search of the Kyrimhearthe, a mysterious multi level dungeon that was created by the original guildmasters of old.  
  The Naturalists -   The Naturalists came about in 1165, when the fields north of Volagvoros went fallow. They had seen enough damage done to the natural world and knew that action needed to be taken against guilds that harmed the wild. They despise nearly every guild for their corruption of the Elven Glade. They have a peace pact with the Thornhart Assembly and the Philosophers.    
Noxvale Concord -   The Noxvale Concord is the antithesis of the Covenant. They dislike their interference and have been pushing to become the most powerful guild for years. They use magic as a means to an end, and their methods are seen as irresponsible by the Thornhart Assembly, putting them at odds. The Concord are one of the guilds involved in the search for the rumored Kyrimhearthe.  
  The Philosophers -   The Philosophers act as hired help for the more physical tasks of the city. But they don't hire any old meathead with an axe. They place great emphasis on learning, education, strategy, and cunning. Their warriors are a force to be reckoned with, and they take in people of all kinds.  
The Thornhart Assembly - Another guild with an emphasis on learning. While dealing mostly in magical teachings, they don't limit themselves to the arcane. They train a great deal of students with varied backgrounds. Much of their profits come from teaching and magical services. They also place emphasis on research, and have teams spread throughout Western Costrana (sometimes in secret).  
  Veldron Watch    The Watch tend to be a fairly mixed group. Serving as a psuedo-police force in most guild controlled cities, the watch consists of both the highly corrupt and generously righteous. Often the group fights amongst itself more than it does the other guilds.
Each guild takes pride in their unique armor, which they provide for those who have earned the higher ranks of the guild tree. (A Syndicate Praetorian, below)