
The Drow are a subrace of Elves, sometimes referred to as "Dark Elves". Once at peace with the Elves, an ancient war drove them into the Underdark, where they adapted and lived for many years. Occasionally, some will leave the Underdark to walk the overworld. In the case of Uslos, many dwell above ground.  

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The main physical distinction between drow and other elves is their skin color. Drow tend to have very dark or black skin, sometimes reaching a pure charcoal black. Others have a range of dark grey colors, verging on dark bluish hues. You'll also often see drow depicted with dark purple or even close to lilac skin tones. Purple isn't listed as a possibility officially in dnd 5e, but it's shown so often that it may as well be canon. Drow eyes can be of literally any color, though bright red is the most common. They're also commonly very bright or near white in color, which often leads to a misconception that they have purely white eyes with no iris.   Finally, drow hair is usually a very bright color that contrasts with their skin. Silver, pure white, or pale yellow are all common hair colors. They usually wear their hair long and decorate it with pins or webbing in dedication to the spider queen.

Genetics and Reproduction

The drow were believed to be more fecund than the rest of the elves. In truth, their fecundity was the same as that of other elves, but they had a higher readiness to birth as many children as possible during their lifespan.

Growth Rate & Stages

Drow live as long as elves, although in their violent society it is rare for any individual to live longer than 400 years. Drow begin schooling at age 8, and enter adolescence at age 20, where they enter an apprenticeship.

Ecology and Habitats

They frequently live in the Underdark. Their overworld environments are often magically optimized for their comfort under the sun.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Traditional Drow society is Matriarchal.

Facial characteristics

Like other elves, the drow are slightly shorter than humans, and more slender, with little physical difference between the genders. They have pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The largest known population of Drow is in Uslos, on Merriby Main.

Average Intelligence

Drow are cunning and clever.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Like most elves, drow have both a first and a surname taken from the melodic elvish tongue. Their names can be either masculine or feminine, though due to the drow subjugation of their males drow male names have become gradually more feminine. Male Drow Names: Bemril Uloavae, Fildiirn Oussath, Gulmyr Araburden, Jaezkiir Helvion'lyr, Jalynryn Zolinn, Quevryn Arabarn, Rizhrys Torval, Ruaphrin Baenreaer, Syrdar Glaurach, Zaknaston Tlin'eztice.   Female Drow Names: Aunrae Blundyth, Baltana Rrostarr, Felynlene Telinath, Ginbreena Despth, Laeyana Mizzruil, Larithra Baenani, Larniss Baenath, Malice Filifar, Nhilymma Baenrret, Urmesyne T'soavae.

Major Organizations

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Historical Figures

Halis Reincarnate was a famed Drow Emperor. He ruled over Uslos until his death, but was later resurrected by his followers. The Outcasts rallied a team to stop him before he could regain his full power and ascend to godhood.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
400-500 Years
Average Height
5' 11"
Average Weight
140 lbs
Average Physique
Due to a process of selective breeding that lasted for several generations, the drow (especially nobles) looked attractive  even when compared to other elves. Their alluring appearance, which could be used for seduction, was more often used to instill fear.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are differentiated by their black skin, pale hair and pale, almost-white hair and eyes.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities