Shadar Kai

A relative of humans and elves, Shadar Kai hail from Shadowfell, a prime plane of existence that overlaps the material world.    In Midrial, Shadar Kai are so rarely seen that few can identify them. Their pale skin can sometimes be mistaken for that of a Revenant.

Basic Information


Similar to elves in stature, but with closer to human like facial features.

Biological Traits

They had dusky gray skin and colorless complexions that varied from alabaster to dark gray; black hair, with few shadar-kai having pale hair, that ranged within human hair colors; and dark eyes lacking any sclera or clear pupil. Shadows on their bodies or clothing always seemed to be deeper and darker than shadows elsewhere, and shadow seemed to follow them and reach out, especially when they were angry. They were easily lost from view.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shadar Kai are only capable of fertilization when in their native plane, but reproduce just as most species do.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature around 15 and live to be around 400.   Shadar-kai do not live as long as other elves; few shadar-kai live to be more than 400 years old, and most find a spectacular or violent end long before age could claim them.

Ecology and Habitats

The Shadowfell

Additional Information

Social Structure

Shadar-kai had very little regard for their own lives. Often viewing a present incarnation as but one in an endless cycle and death as foretold and impossible to change, they had grown jaded and careless with their bodies.[4][2] Their affinity with the Shadowfell defined them as a people and influenced every aspect of their culture.[3] Shadar-kai embraced living to the limits of pleasure, while striving for personal greatness, so that when they fell, stories of their great deeds would grant them a sort of immortality. In their search for personal glory, most shadar-kai ignored comfort, morality, and safety, traits they considered banalities.[12]

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, Superior low light vision   Shadar-kai possessed a magical ability to teleport a short distance away. When they did this, they reappeared in a (temporarily) wraith-like state

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common male names: Ashok, Cree, Tarrun   Common female names: Sitheriel, Loral, Kalith

Major Language Groups and Dialects



Many shadar-kai were subject to the "shadow curse", doomed to lose their souls into the dark depths of the Shadowfell. Their souls were only loosely bound to their bodies, so, when they were dazed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise close to death, a part of their soul risked being sent to the Plane of Shadow. It took great strength of will to resist the tremendous and inexorable pull the Plane of Shadow had on their souls.   The shadar-kai did not build many permanent cities of their own, preferring instead to lurk in the settlements of other races like humans.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
400 years
Average Height
5' 11"
Average Weight
150 lbs

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