Gunnel's Blackblades

Hjonmel Gunnel is a dwarven smith who has run his shop, "Gunnel's" out of Graford's Peddler's Row for many years. He inherited the shop from his uncle, who trained Gunnel in the ways of crafting the Blackblade. Blackblade refers to a specific type of sword that has a midnight black obsidian blade, with adamantine infused up the blade's edges. This allows the blade to have a healthy weight to it that makes it easy to wield. The blade itself, being made of obsidian, is crafted in Genneyonne by glassblowers. It is then sent via armed caravan to Gunnel's. Gunnel casts the hilt around a specific type of rare gem found only in the mines of the Borinbane mountains or in deep sea caverns around the Merriby islands. This gem, known as a Risinel, is valuable for its heightened ability to be infused with magic. Gunnel casts one of these gems into the hilt. He then has his partner, an enchanter, cast arcane energy into it that allows for the gem to have specific effects that are dependent on the blade's wielder. Gunnel does not make these blades for just anyone. He is notoriously picky about his clients and occasionally turns down requests from even the Empire's top authorities. His uncle was just as specific with his creations and clients, crafting just 5 Blackblades in his entire lifetime. Gunnel has crafted just 1, but he never reveled who his client was.


The organization consists of just two members, Hjonmel and the mage who assists him.
Founding Date
Estimated to be around 843
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Related Ethnicities