
Primrow is a city shrouded, which is appropriate considering the disproportionate amount of shady dealings that occur there. Many consider Primrow unsafe for anyone who doesn't have the ability to defend themselves.      


30% Human    20% Tiefling    20% Misc   10% Dragonborn    10% Drow    10% Elf


The House of Primrow watch over the city. They are shadow leaders who do little to actually govern and are more of the strongest criminal organization than anything else. The House leaders rarely interact with occupants of the city. If they are seen, its cloaked and slowly drifting through backstreets.

Industry & Trade

The city thrives on its trade of goods considered illegal or immoral most everywhere else.


The city is illuminated by oil lanterns that are all connected through a central pipe system. A small labor force is paid to upkeep them, including the pipe pumpers, who are tasked with cranking a system of gears by hand to push oil through the pipes. It is considered filthy work, and only the lowest members of Primrow's society are to do it.


The constructed buildings in Primrow are, for the most part, very old. Many of the city's structures were made prior to the Primordial Haze's arrival. They are kept together by magic and the labor of underpaid and overworked civilians. The styles of the architecture reflect a time long ago when the human population of Primrow were in competition with dwarven and elven designs.
"I heard the sun no longer shines in Primrow. That's why I moved here.
— Lester Lethrel
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Sidwell's Academy of the Arcane- Aldin Sidwell is a wealthy elven man and the founder of Sidwell's Academy of the Arcane. The school has been running for over 40 years and has a very specific and limited selection process. Sidwell trains those with unexplained, overwhelming or particularly powerful magic abilities.