The Arbiters

A strike team of elite, skillful fighters formed by Wornal Freerunner and Lucyan Blackfyre with a goal of ending Percerian's War. Wornal and Lucyan searched Rhorellia and beyond, gathering their closest allies and new friends. They traveled together over Uslosan lines and fought their way to Caavylterradyn.    
Lucyan Blackfyre (Arbiter gear): Arcanist, child of Preahatit, diplomat  
Wornal Freerunner-Renriel: College of Swords Bard, heir to House Renriel


Wornal and Lucyan control the organization in tandem.


The Arbiters were hailed as heroes amongst the citizens of Rhorellia. They resented their emperor for starting an unnecessary war, and the Arbiters were here to put an end to it.    

The Team:

Snurki: master craftsman and a true friend  
Hergood Bladebrew: swordsman, explorer and wielder of The Gambler's Blade
Mirafalor cover
Mirafalor, Paladin of Pelor, warrior for justice and wielder of Faithkeeper, Blade of Mirafalor  
Lekallette, sharpshooter and pyromancer  
  Locket, a tracker and former bounty hunter  
Luna Evergust, storm sorceress  
Steady, Warforged Juggernaut  
Cray, Halfling monk and veteran of The Battle of Liaris
Adventuring Party
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization