The Blackblades

The Blackblades are some of the Rhorellian Empire's greatest creations. Ironically, the creator is not in the Empire's good graces. The first Blackblade was forged by Ragrum Gunnel. While the Gunnel family has made Blackblades since the dawn of the empire, they have never made one for a member of the royal family. When Elnianna requested one be made for her son's coronation, the proprietor (Hjonmel) turned her down. He did not think the Blackblades should be decorative pieces to be worn at one's side during a ball. The Rhorellian family was displeased with this, and blacklisted the Gunnel family until very recently, when Hjonmel reforged the weapon of Mirafalor.   Many travel great distances in search of the infamous Blackblades. In total, there are 6.   IN ORDER OF CREATION:   Tal T'res - A 4 pronged mace made for a Rhorellian warrior named Kendall Kingslayer. He was a human man who died of old age. The blade is now buried with him in his tomb in Panan's Landing. (Made in 364)   Falcon's Claw - A blade inspired by the Halian Khopesh. It was created for Exitas Quintril. She was a researcher of foreign affairs and artifacts. Because she often found herself exploring tombs and temples, the blade was designed to break curses and shield the wielder from unnatural harm. She worked for the Zefworth Academy and the blade is held in Rosavel's imperial bunker. (Made 590)   Empathy and Apathy - A pair of daggers made for a Caavylkatar. These blades are almost entirely unknown to the people of Merriby Main. The assassin was named Aktar Prentrendell. The blades are currently in a Uslosan tomb. (Made in 810)   Faithkeeper, Blade of Mirafalor - Made for Mirafalor , he now carries it (made in 825)   Blade of the Plane Strider - made for a woman named Sorii Peldin. She was a mysterious vigilante who was a claimed prophet of the gods. She traveled between the planes frequently, keeping the peace between the material and the astral. While her whereabouts are unknown, her blade is now in the hands of Otmund, a traveler in Oldvale. (Made in 915)   The Gambler's Blade - made for Jeryn Landelar, a vigilante who once fought crime in Rosavel. Jeryn died in 1192 and left clues as to where his blade would be. He intended for someone truly as savvy and sharp as he was to wield it. Hergood Bladebrew found it and now wields it. (made in 1043)

In Literature

The following is a piece written by Barl Fentheryn:   Where are the Blackblades? By Barl Fentheryn   The Blackblades are some of the Empire's greatest creations. Ironically, the creator is not in the Empire's good graces. While the Gunnel family has made Blackblades since the dawn of the empire, they have never made one for a member of the royal family. When Elnianna requested one be made for her son's coronation, the proprietor (Hjonmel) turned her down. He did not think the Blackblades should be decorative pieces to be worn at one's side during a ball. The Rhorellian family was displeased with this, and blacklisted the Gunnel family until very recently, when Hjonmel reforged the weapon of Mirafalor.   With the Gunnel family back on everyone's minds, I wish to theorize about some of the Blackblades and their whereabouts. We know that 6 were created. 5 by the Gunnels of old and 1 by the current sitting smith, Hjonmel. Historical records can confirm the crafting and location of 2. The first Blackblade was created for the ancient warrior Kendall Kingslayer. Kendall was a human knight who was instrumental in the expansion of the empire during its infant years. It is said that Kendall single handedly killed a tribe of raiders who made an attempt on the life of the sitting emperor. The blade (called T'al Tres) was crafted in 364 and currently is in the tomb in Panan's Landing.   The second Blackblade is our first unknown. It is believed to have been created around the year 600 for a member of the Zefworth Academy. Today, it's location is entirely unknown, but I believe that it is in Imperial possession.   The third Blackblade was never confirmed to have been made for anyone in the Empire. My guess for this weapon is as good as yours.   The fourth Blackblade we know to be Faithkeeper, the blade of Mirafalor. While lost briefly, it is now in his possession, as he was recently reborn again thanks to the efforts of a party sent from the Empire to rescue him. The blade was crafted in 825 and reforged in 1249.   The fifth blade was made for a woman named Sorji Peldin. There are records of a woman with this name spreading prophecies from the gods from 913-919. After that, she disappeared. The woman was largely a mystery, but her predictions came true and she has a small cult following that at one time could have been found in Rosavel.   The most recent blade is perhaps the most mysterious. Many rumors surround the blade. Some claim to have seen it being wielded by Jeryn Landelar, a Rosavelan Vigilante who once fought the crime lords of Rosavel. Jeryn was confirmed to be dead in 1192, but the blade was not with him when he was found dead. He left a note, stating that his blade, equipment and fortune could be found if someone was clever enough and lawful enough to use it properly. For 10 years afterward, many became obsessed with the discovery of his belongings. Many have disregarded this as a wild owlbear chase since, as it was confirmed to be found.
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